When deciding what school to attend, make sure you take all aspects of the school into consideration (campus size, class size, price, location...etc.). Remember, you will be spending the next four years of your life here!
Academia has entered an era of "selling" schools with high test scores, state of the art classrooms, fitness centers, and celebrity professors. In May of 2009 I will graduate from an undergraduate institution that had none of the forementioned factors. A small liberal arts college with a meager endowment, but rich in history and tradition. I have discovered that resources don't make the grade, dedicated students and qualified professors, that are commited to excellence do. In the end choosing the right college falls to the student. Find a place that you feel comfortable, that will nuture you into a productive and capable adult . Find an institution that will prepare you for the increasing competitiveness of today's job market. Surround yourself with like minded positive students who are supportive of your academic endeavors and will be present always. Get active join something! And most importantly make the most out of your experience, by GOING TO CLASS!! Someone's paying for your education please get their money's worth! And finally... have fun!! I can honestly say, the best of my 21 years have been at my soon to be alma mater .Good Luck and Godspeed! -A. College Senior
Parents should really be involved with their child not only before but during the transition from highschool to college, alot of student have hard times adjusting to being away from home for long periods of time. Students college is the time for you to get out and experience the world, make new friends, learn things you never knew before and make a life for yourself .
Know one really knows entirely what they want from a college when looking. It is usually the case that what you get is somewhat different from your original agenda. Socially, Academically, Financially, it doesn't matter: be prepared for a curveball. I guess more accurately, be open for curveballs. The whole point of extended education is to figure out what you don't know, so choose your school accordingly. The ideal is an institution that allows for the most potential for growth. In other even if your sure what looking for in an institution now, don't put "all your eggs in one basket," so to speak. It's a gamble to assume that you'll be the same person in 4 years, so you want to pick an environment not just conducive to what you want now, but conducive to everything you could be in the future in all aspects of the college experience.
Find a school that best fits your goals. Does this school excel in your prospective field of study? What is your school known for? Biology, Pre- Law, Performing Arts? Knowing what your school is knownfor is crucial, because the popular fields of study will often recieve priority in Financial aid and have the most opportunities available. If you want to become a Doctor, attend a school that is known for producing many Doctors, if you want to become an Actress, attend a school that is known for producing Tony and Oscar winners.
Be true to your heart. If the institution feels right, then go for it no matter how much is being offered by other institutions. Don't let money be the deciding factor in choosing your school.
Research the school beforehand. It is very important that you know the soul purpose of that university and its goal when it comes to keeping their students from dropping out of school. Make sure you attend a college based upon your choice, not your parents for you will not have a so-great experience at the university. Once you attend the school of your choice, make sure you get involved in the school and the community. Being involved in many activities keeps you active and engaged into what the school has to offer throughout the year. Plus, it will look great on your transcript that your a well-rounded student who is trying to make the best out of his/her college. When you go to class, ask questions that you don't know the answer to. It's even better when you go to a small school becuase you can get that close relationship with your professors that can help you in passing their class. Stay dedicated and focused into your studies while attending college. Don't let your friends or other associates distract you from obtaining your soul purpose of going to college.
College is something that you will never forget. While plenty of children settle for colleges because of small things, when you're passionate about a certain college or university, do what it takes to make sure what you want becomes yours. Things will get difficult, and simply paying for school can be challenging, but at the end of every day when you walk into your dorm room, you feel somewhat accomplished because you're talkin small steps towards your success in life. You don't have to know what you want to do as soon as you get to college, but learning while you're there expands your horizons. You'll be surprised with the people you'll meet.
Visit schools on your own outside of open houses and campus tours. Talk to different types of students randomly about the campus and compare answers.
Parents need to tour the college and ask as many questions as possible before attending. Parents need to include not only cost, but the social enviornment. The student has to feel comftorable enough to grow socially and academically. College is more than just academics; College is supposed to grow and mature the student. The college should offer programs to help the student get accustomed to being away from home. A good college should have a strong alumni system to offer support and advice to the students.