Florida Atlantic University Top Questions

Describe the students at Florida Atlantic University.




My classmates are determined to reach their goals and very helpful to others in need.


My classmates were very welcoming.


My classmates are quiet, friendly, and focused.


Students at FAU are extremely diverse in every aspect of life. The best part of such a diverse atmosphere is everyone interacts and builds off of one another. Students wear everything from pajamas to high heals, it is very laid back whatever one feels like wearing is accepted. I don't think any type of student would feel out of place at FAU there is always something for everyone and any type of person. Politically active students vary but there is always respectable attitudes toward one political view or the other; which, enriches the learning environment.


The students at FAU are from all walks of life, as the local area is very diverse; but even transfer students and those from other states come to FAU for study. There is a friend for everyone, although you won't find it hard to make friends with even those outside of your usual culture groups. The people here are generally very open to new ideas, the way any college should be.


Our groups are very open minded and understanding. Not many students can feel out of place here at FAU, especially with our new LGBTQA resource center that houses all of those who do not wish to be labeled and have them imposed on their lives. We have so many students with diverse interests that can easily get along. We do have frats communicating with intellectuals at the table next to me and we have professors encouraging our fellow students to learn and grow over a slice of pizza. Students are encouraged to and motivated to learn, grow, and succeed.


Students at FAU range. Everyone from all different walks of life, show up. We had 98 year old graduate to 18 year old. We have every minority group, they all have organizations or clubs affiliated with them. Therefore you're always learning about one another. like i said you can have extremely rich kids with their Mercedes and kids who catch the bus. I don't think any student can feel out of place because their is variety at the school. in class you will seem sleep wear outfits, to crazy green men running around, to the corporate lifestyle. many of the kids that go to FAU have some type of financial assistance or are putting themselves to school which is admirable. there are so many things on campus like Occupy Wall Street: FAU chapter. Then you have rallies, political debates, guest speakers like the Dal Lama, and of course concerts. The school has events for everyone, and that's why a lot of students decide to stay.


My class mates are unique, creative, funny, caring, and like famly, always avalble to give a hand.


All of the different groups on campus are welcoming and want you to feel like you belong there or like you are an honoree member. The only kind of student that might feel out of place is one who does not wish to be a part of anything. Most students wear a t-shirt and jeans or sweat pants. Almost all of the students in a class interact at some point and intermingle outside of the class from that point on. FAU is a financially diverse school there are those who are there on scholarship and those who are there without scholarship. However the majority of the student body seems to be an independent or a democrat but none of the students talk about what they will earn one day, just the career that they hope FAU will provide.