The fall 2020 acceptance rate for Florida Atlantic University is 59%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
if i could go back to high school knowing as much as i know now about college i would tell my self to get a job, and take summer classes because there is alot of free time in college and i could have advanced myself hat much further with that.
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Describe the students at your school.
My classmates are people who work well together, dispite the difference in age and future goals.
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
Dealing with the administration has to be the worst thing about FAU. If you have a problem you are given the run around just to solve that problem. It can be discouraging.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
Procrastination will kill you. If you don't organize your time between school work, extracurricular activities, your job, your social life and your relaxation time, you will fall below the bar. This doesn't always show early on when you should be more aware either. The fact that you're beginning to fall behind gets hidden behind the very good grades that you get early in the class and then when you end up failing the midterm exams and it is past the withdrawl period you will find yourself struggling just keep up a C+ in the class.
Read all 59 answers
What kind of person should attend this school?
Someone who is dedicated to advancing themeselves for their lives. Or someone trying to get into a career that they want to pursue. Or someone who wants to just get a higher degree in the field they have.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
Florida Atlantic University is very well balanced and all around school.
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What's unique about your campus?
The flexibility of completing courses and degree requirments.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
A person who does not focus on trends, brands or what is popular.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
I haven't attended FAU yet but I plan on it in the future next spring.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
The fact that the school has a three to one ratio of females to males. So for every 1 guy there will be 3 girls. But other than that just all the things i have learned and learn about on a daily basis.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
I choose Florida Atlantic University because it has my major for both BA and MA. I think that this is important because I dont want to be switching schools every few years. Also FAU is local so I can go to work and school and it not be a hassel. FAU is a beautiful school. Also FAU is a diverse school, you can find people from every nationallity. FAU is different from other schools because it makes you feel like home; Most of the students at FAU come from your local hometown.
Read all 38 answers
Describe your favorite campus traditions.
business and bocas beautiful women
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What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
Geeks, at the Honors College. Slackers at the Boca Campus. This is not a n accurate portrayal. While there is a "nerd" culture at at the Jupiter campus, that does not mean that the Boca campus is trying any less. People also think of FAU as a safety school in the local area- but admissions are harder than some other big name state schools- and the GPA/test scores have been raised in recent years.
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
I think that FAU has a lot to offer as long as you give it the chance. One of my favorite things about FAU is that there are many academic programs at the school that are offered for free. There is a writing center, math center, and free tutoring and SI sessions. If you know where to look, you can pass your courses easily.
Another thing that I love about FAU is that everything for the most part is easy to find. Most of your classes you can find by referencing the Breezeway. In addition, there are maps like everywhere.
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What are the academics like at your school?
Just like every school you'll have amazing teachers and some teachers you can't stand. I'm a health admin major so I liked my program and school. I've had extremely amazing teachers who taught us about the world; like all the health problems beyond the U.S. I also learned a lot about our health system. For the most part, I liked my professors and had amazing discussions, and many times I stayed after class. The good thing was I got to know a lot of the students in my major because we all had to take the same classes. Now many of those students are really good friends of mine with connections . If you want to pass you'll definitely study. I think competition amongst students isn't high, but self satisfaction is. In essence, you are competing with yourself. Academically, your courses seem to repeat themselves but that's in every school; you have to build upon it. Professors for sure will remember your name and talk about you and with you; like I said FAU isn't too big where its always lecture hall but it isn't to small that your teacher notices your every move.
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
There are so many things that people tend to do on campus. People can go to the movies, boomers, the mall, even the fair if it is open. There are also some events on campus such as concerts, dance club, and video game tournaments at Coyote Jacks. I am not a drinker, and thankfully there are a lot of things we can do that does not involve drinking.
As for the dating scene, it varies from person to person. Of course you have the people that change their boyfriends/girlfriends as often as they change their underwear, but you also have the people that have been in long standing relationships for years. Make sure to make known what type of relationship you want from the start of any relationship. You dont want to lead someone on the wrong direction.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school?
Almost all girl school. Not a good sports program. Easy school.
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Where is the best place to get work done on campus?
The Library is an amazing place to go. The 4th floor is the quietest. You can also go to the zen garden to get away from the hussel and bussel of collage life.
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Why did you decide to go to this school?
This school has a lot to offer when it comes to the sociology, psychology, anthropology, and gender studies program, and all of these fields suit my interests. These fields will help me become a stronger advocate for human rights because that is a career I wish to pursue in the future.
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Is the stereotype of students at your school accurate?
Yes, it is almost all girls, 70{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} to be exact. The sports program in not that great now, but is continuing to expand and will be very good soon. Lastly, it is a fairly easy school, but you need to do the work just like anywhere else.
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