The fall 2020 acceptance rate for University of South Florida-Main Campus is 46%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
Don't be afraid to try new things. Clubs weren't your favorite activities to be a part of, but they are really beneficial to your overall experience at college. Don't be afraid to fail. It might be tough not getting "straight A's," but you know that you're intelligent and what really matters is what you learn from it all. Don't waste time worrying about the future. You'll be prepared no matter what classes you take. Finally, have fun, enjoy yourself, and live life the best that you can. You can only be young and in college once so make the best out of this experience :).
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Describe the students at your school.
My classmates contribute through thoughtful ideas, collaborative work, and through attentiveness.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
The University of South Florida works hard to encourage students and create a good environment for achievements.
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
The freshman and sophmore class sizes are large, so it is often difficult to interact with teachers and students.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
financial aid help
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What's unique about your campus?
I think the best thing about my school is the recreational programs.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
NOVA southeastern university is one of the few universities to offer a double master's degree program in anesthesia assistant. There are only two schools in the state that specialized in the A.A program. NOVA has both, one in Ft. Lauderdale and the other in Tampa, FL.
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What kind of person should attend this school?
Anybody should attend this school. The University of South Florida is a very diverse school. As long as you have the grades and the drive to learn, there is no reason someone can't attend
Read all 78 answers
What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
The area is the most frustrating aspect. Tampa's highway seems to be in a perpetual state of being under construction, making getting to classes on time difficult if you don't leave early enough, or if you attempt to get to school during high density traffic times.
Read all 74 answers
What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
It is BEAUTIFUL!!! This campus is lavish in gorgeous old oaks and plently of flowering plants and such. The architecture itself also blends very well into the environment.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
Someone who wants a small school or alot of individualized attention shouldn't attend this school. You definately have to be able to take the initiative to join clubs/learn extra/ get jobs etc etc. at USF
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
At the University of South Florida we focus on making a name for each individual student that has chosen to further their education here. Over the years, USF has become known as the one of the top research schools in the nation. As a matter of fact, we are ranked third as one of the top research schools. In my personal opinion, this statistic has allowed USF to reach out to more students. They are now able to do extensive research with all the amazing abilities that USF has to offer.
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
The best thing about USF is the teachers. The staff is so fantastic. You can tell they take an interest in their students and you're not just a number.
The school is large, but it is definitely not too large. Because of the size, there is a chance for everyone to find a niche. There are a lot of programs on campus to get students connected, and there are also a lot of opportunities to help students find career paths. It is really hard to fall between the cracks at this school.
I don't think the Tampa Bay area qualifies as a college town because it's so large, but there are definitely some areas of the city that are geared toward the college crowd. There are a lot of great places to live around campus, and it's a very accessible city.
The USF administration is quick to aid in any problems the students have. Issues are resolved quickly. There is a space on the website for commonly requested forms if you need fast access to your transcipts. The administration really tries to provide for the students and the grounds of the school are upkept very well.
Our football team was ranked #2 this year, which was a really exciting time for us. We have a newer team, so it was exciting to be nationally recognized. A lot of students attend the basketball games, and you cannot walk across campus without seeing someone in USF gear.
The student goverment elections are taking place for President and Vice President right now, which is getting a lot of attention from our student newspaper, The Oracle. This is probably the biggest issue occurring on campus right now.
My best memories of USF are the football games. Our games usually take place at the Tampa Bay Buccaneers stadium (which is in downtown Tampa). The stadium is brand new, and everyone makes a day out of going to tailgate. So much fun!!
The most frequent student complaints are about parking. Parking is a problem on a lot of campuses, but USF is building two brand new parking garages. They also opened up a grass lot right in the heart of the campus so that it is easier to get to classes.
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What are the academics like at your school?
My favorite class was Communication as Performance. The teacher I had was so great. We spent a lot of time outside of the classroom. The weather is nice down here all year, so it's great to be outside!
The professors here usually know your name, unless you're in a big lecture class. Most students end up in one of these classes a few times, but if you go to class on a regular basis, the teacher will definitely get to know you.
Class participation is very common among USF students. The classes with debates are really fun because everyone gets involved. You can tell that students usually come prepared to class, whether it is doing the reading or the worksheets. You can always tell who hasn't come prepared because of the teacher-student interactions in class.
The most unique class I have taken is my Communicating Gender & Identity course. We're currently discussing the concept of identity and what it means to classify yourself under certain categories. The topics are really controversial, but the material is interesting.
I am in the Communication Department. My major is Interpersonal/Organizational Communication. I LOVE this major. All of the comm students are like a big family. We collaborate on assignments and do a lot of groupwork. You can definitely count on the students that study this major. I am also minoring in Psychology. They just built a brand new Psych building. The staff in this minor is also fantastic. You get to choose from a lot of interesting classes.
The professors are always available for office hours when you have problems. They are there to clarify concepts that you don't understand. Also, they are great about missed classes and assignment make-ups.
Every college (business, math, science) at USF has different academic requirements. You have to take core classes, but once you get into your major (which can happen quickly), the classes are interesting and practical.
USF combines post-college prep and a good learning experience. You get to learn about a lot of "real-world" issues, but you also have a great opportunity to prepare for the working world.
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
Sports games are often full of students (other than football), plus there are tons of clubs as well as Greek life to keep students busy and entertained. A lot of students can also be found in the gym or doing intramural activities, which are offered for several levels of experience so that it is easy to try a new sport or keep up with an old favorite while challenging others at your level.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school?
I dont really know. I know when I tell people I go to a University that is 3rd in the state, they seem "wow" compared to if I said I went to a Community College or something.
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Is the stereotype of students at your school accurate?
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What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
USF has all of the stereotypes. Nerds, frat guys, sorority girls, jocks. However I have found that even though they fit into the category not all of them are as rigid as you may think. I've met some awesome people from all of these "stereotypical" groups. I've met some awesome and down to earth frat guys that aren't what the stereotype puts out. They aren't rude, egocentric, and closed off to making friends with anyone who isn't greek. The same goes for sorority girls. The nerds are very dedicated to their academics but they aren't as lame as you would think. We have an awesome Quidditch team. The jocks may be the one group that does stick a little more to the stereotype. They do stick with their own and are pretty prideful of what they do in regards to sports.
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Tell us about the sports scene on campus.
The Bulls are on the rise in football!!
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What's the Greek scene like?
Greek Life at USF is pretty great! With eight sororities and even more fraternities, the Greek community is gradually growing and is very active. Each semester, dozens of philanthropies and events are held. It's a great way to become involved early and meet a lot of awesome people.
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