I have heard of many groups/clubs probably the most important for me is the investment club. Since I am planning on doing my own business I realized how important is to know how to manage your money not only in your company but also in the stocks.
Sports games are often full of students (other than football), plus there are tons of clubs as well as Greek life to keep students busy and entertained. A lot of students can also be found in the gym or doing intramural activities, which are offered for several levels of experience so that it is easy to try a new sport or keep up with an old favorite while challenging others at your level.
I think that sports are a huge part here and so is the government. Both are very strong and many students are involved wtih it. Most students in my dorm are very friendly. We can pretty much walk into anyones dorm and have a full conversation with them so they are very friendly. I met my closest friends from my dorm. They live two rooms down and we are always together. Frats and sororities are available on campus. Personally I am not involved with them, but I here good tings.
Greek life is becoming pretty common. As a member of Alpha Delta Pi, I can tell you there are eight sororities and a LOT of fraternities to join, each offering different and unique things. Also, the multicultural organizations are very common at USF. Finally, philanthropic organizations are also popular, including Dance Marathon (which I am Executive Director of).
The University of South Florida offers over 300 student organizations. These can range anywhere from the equestrian club to the chess club. What happens if you search for hours and still don't find something that you like? Well, USF actually makes it incredibly easy for you to create your own organization. There are only a few simple steps to complete and then you are the president of your very own club.
As with most colleges, the Greek system at USF is pretty popular. I myself am a member of a sorority and have to say that it was the best decision I made since coming to USF. Joining a sorority or fraternity is probably the best and quickest way to meet a large amount of people. There are always parties to attend and people to do fun things with.
For those people who don't drink, there are always events that the RA's in dorms hold that allow you to get closer to the people within your dorm halls. I met many of my close friends from living in a door room.
There are so many large organizations here! Cultural organizations, such as the Latin American Student Association have grown incredibly in recent years. My own Japanese Club has grown to a healthy number of active members from 40-80 members and over 500 total members. Professional societies also tend to be large in membership. Greek societies are popular - although the students sometimes clash with regular students.
My own organization - the Japanese Club at USF is an organization I began here. Over 70 events have been ran through the organization since the summer of 2009 and we have donated to the Tohoku Japan Earthquake relief in the past and organized massive cultural events on-campus to raise awareness of Japanese culture. Many people are interested and it has a positive impact on our school, in my opinion.
Students usually lock their doors in the dorms - they don't want people sneaking through their rooms. Football games are popular, but other sports have a hard time bringing out crowds. Guest speakers are numerous and from all backgrounds and professions - usually hundreds of people will attend these lectures.
The dating scene is average - not over the top. You won't even notice that many people are in a relationship. I met my closest friends through my student organization - yet another reason why I'm glad I made it.
If I'm awake at 2am on a Tuesday...I'm in the library working on something or I'm at a nightclub or bar with some friends.
Traditions are numerous on-campus from the SuperBull Homecoming Week to Mr. & Mrs. USF to Stampede of Service - USF tried to create new traditions every year. Events happen almost every week - multiple times a day.
People usually party Thursday-Sunday - but this varies.
Fraternities and Sororities are active - but keep to themselves. They take part in their philanthropies and socials, but I feel personally that they don't do enough to unify the campus and don't use their resources for the betterment of our university.
Last weekend I went to a chocolate festival in Clearwater - one of the nice things about our university is that is between Tampa Bay's 3 major cities and you can easily drive to one of those towns and engage in what is happening off-campus.
On a Saturday night you can attend a concert, cyber bowling, enjoy late-night sushi, ice skating, hang at the beach or local beach towns, hang out a mall, karaoke, rollerskating, play at an arcade, watch a movie at a local movie theater - there is plenty to do if you're looking.
I tend to do most of the things listed above when I am off-campus.
I would say the Frat/Sorority groups on campus are the most popular based on the amount of people who are active in them. I personally am involved with more honor based societies, as I am too busy to commit to weekly and sometimes more than that meetings. The dorm life is a great way to meet people and to always have someone to hang out with. My freshman year we had open door night almost once a week. It was great! Athletic events are always fun to go to and they are a great thing to go out with your friends to! I recommend the mens soccer games and the football games. I met most of my close friends in classes and in organizations that I participate in. If its ever late night and my friends and I are still up, we normally head to andros for some late night breakfast and then hang out in whoevers room. Weekends are pretty similar. Since alot of people go home its nice to see a quieter campus for a change.
Intramural sports, Language clubs, volunteer activities, sports clubs
Some of the most popular student activities would be either the fraternities and sororities or the inter mural sports. There are also a ton of different clubs to join, both academic and leisure (e.g student activities club, the barbecue club) There are often events that go on outside of school hours on campus, for example, movie night on the lawn and tons of concerts, You will find many different types of socially active students; some are very involved and some keep to themselves. There is also a ton to do off campus (e.g. restaurants, shopping malls, movies, concerts, bar, clubs, etc.)
The most popular campus activity would be the inter mural sports that are hosted every semester. We usually hold a soccer, flag football and softball competition throughout the year. After that I think that the sport clubs are very popular and there are a wide variety of sports that can be joined for free. The clubs are funded by the school and allow the members to compete and practice free for most sports. Stamped of Service is also another popular event where a very large number of students go out all over Tampa volunteering for different task. This has been a lot of fun and you feel really great helping others. Attending the football games is always great fun during the fall as well. Our team plays at Raymond James Stadium home of the Buc's. So it is nice to have a professional arena as our home.