University of South Florida-Main Campus Top Questions

Describe how University of South Florida-Main Campus looks to someone who's never seen it.


The University of South Florida is a melting pot of cultures, ideas, and interests that places a huge emphasis on research and innovation.


University of South Florida is an academically a very strong school where students all recieve quality educations and are exposed to wonderful opportunities daily.


The University of South Florida is a very large, modern state school with no specific specialisation, built to cover a wide ranger of career choices and to accommodate a large number of students.


My school is a large, very divers school with people from all around the world with many different ways of life. The school itself is a combination between new “modern” ideas and traditional concepts weaved throughout the curriculums. The academics are considered to be some of the best in the state of Florida.


It is really hard to describe the University of South Florida in just one sentence. But if I had to use only one sentence I would say, "The University of South Florida is a beautiful campus which is home to some of the most amazing and diverse group of students I have ever met and I am so proud to call it home". GO BULLS!!!!


A place to "really" learn.


This extremely large, diverse university has something for everybody - from the variety of clubs, to the scenic campus, to the active Marshall Student Center, and even to the beautiful recreation center, there is never a boring moment on campus.


Green and Gold with a rush of research, academic exellence, and a hint of the good life.


A beautiful campus with a wide variety of classes to attend, people to meet, and mentors to learn from.


The University of South Florida is an institution that provides a myriad of opportunities, not only in academia but also to improve the holistic self in pursuing one’s passions, career interests, and goals for a lifetime.