Florida College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Florida College know before they start?


Don't get unfocused and remember who you serve. God is good and He loves you; so don't turn your back on Him by getting fixated on your social life or friends or grades or even acceptance because when you do, you only cause yourself needless pain. God is there, He want a relationship with you so that He can shower you with peace and happiness. He loves you, Chris! All that He wants is a little love back.


Do not fight with your brother. Do not wait until the last minute. Yes, others say that. Great minds think alike. Remember that PEOPLE are dealing with your admissions and scholarship paperwork. Be nice. Historic dorms have historic plumbing. Sign up anyway; the people are great. Know that there is someone having a harder time paying for college, keeping their grades up, or recovering from illness than you. Try to understand both sides before speaking or writing. Things will not work out the way you expect them too. It’ll be okay, though. (I’m accurate, unlike Harry Potter’s divination teacher; don’t worry.) If you happen to spend your first weeks at college sick and out-of-it, try not to say anything memorable. “Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.” (Proverbs 3: 7) Even if it means speaking up, you can do it. Otherwise, God wouldn’t have told you to. Continue to write things down in that notebook of yours when you are stressed; your future self will need it when she applies for a scholarship and wonders what her high school self would have liked to know.


Wow, there is one thing I wish I would have devoted more time to. I would have applied for a ton more scholarships and dedicated myself to winning them. Now that I am in college, I feel the financial struggle and pull. I should have listened to thoses who said it will be a rough road to lead with out help financially. So, if you don't need an extra stress in your life, I suggest you dedicate yourself to seeking help. It will not lower your dignity to ask for help, instead it will raise you prestige, knowledge, and build a brighter future. THis will not only help you in college, but it will help you the rest of your life. Take advantage of "FREE MONEY." You do not need to pay an exordinate amount of loans till you are in your late 40's.


There is one quality that determines whether a student will be successful in college: Self-control. You have to be able control yourself physically, mentally, and financially. Keeping your body healthy is key to keeping yourself mentally focused on your education. You can do this by eating healthy and getting proper amounts of sleep. Take a reasonable amount of classes to avoid unnecessary stress. Don’t destroy your body by trying to “do it all”. Make sure to leave time for fun and relaxation, but be careful about how much time you devote to it.Try your best to maintain proper relationships with your friends because this can cause a lot of distraction from your studies. Keep your finances in order and budget your money. If you don’t, you will be busy stressing about money instead of your classes. In all of these areas, use self-control and don’t worry about everything else your friends are doing. Because I can tell you from personal experience, they probably aren’t making the wisest decisions. Focus on your education so you can make the “big bucks” in your future career!


My senior year of high school, I was very irresponsible academically. If I could go back in time, I would explain to myself how my foolishness and irresponsibility has literally cost me- both academically and financially. Because of the low GPA I got due to my lack of effort, I was unable to receive most financial help. I would tell myself to stop being lazy and start focussing on what really matters- school. I would make sure I stopped stressing about my social life and I would tell myself to study hard and DO MY HOMEWORK!


If I could go back and speak to myself as a high school senior, I would be torn on what I would say. Upon entering my first year of college, I experimented with drugs. Within that year, my problem ballooned out of control, I found myself in an outpatient rehab. This led me to a 4- year battle, of going in and out of rehabs, until this past year, after leaving a physically abusive relationship I entered a detox program, where I learned I conracted hepatitis c at some point during my struggle. For the past year, I've been clean and living with this disease and treatment that arguably is worse than the disease itself. As much as I have been through in the past four years has been difficult and painful, I can not honestly say that I would go back and tell my high school self to not go through it. Facing all of these problems has led me to be not only a stronger person but someone who appreciates life. I've learned that life is precious and have developed a drive and a passion to complete my life goals I never would have had before.


"Whether you think you can or you cannot, you're right." This famous quote has motivated me through college so far. In high school I did not have as high self-esteem as I should have. If I could go back; I would remind myself everyday that if I want something I have to push through fears and obstacles and go get it. College has taught me that an easy and successful life isn't just handed to you. It takes hard work, dedication, and a high self-esteem to accomplish ones dreams. It can be hard to step outside of your box and experience what life has to offer. I will admit that in high school I shyed away from many great opportunities because I was afraid of messing up or being rejected. I know now, from college life, that putting myself in an uncomfortable situation can lead to a very comfortable life.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would have so many things to tell myself. The transition from high school to college is a monumental one, and life changes greatly in college. Firstly, I would tell myself that college really is what people say in some ways. College is a place that allows students to truly know what it is like to be living on their own. You have essentially moved away from home when you begin college, and I would let myself know that homesickness is normal, but that after awhile in college, the sadness dissipates, and it become easy to adjust to a new life, new friends, and new opportunities. I would also remind myself that all the stress and responsibility that comes with college does not have to be dealt with without the help of others. Being away from home does not mean being away from the need to seek encouragement or strength from others. Along this line, I would tell myself to be unafraid, and boldly go toward the task at hand, understanding that college will be an amazing, challengins experience that will change the future.


If i was able to go back in time i would because it would be a great oppurinity for me to try harder in school and do good on my SAT and ACT. The ACT and SAT are two different tests that allow you to get into colleges depending on the score you make and what type of classes that you may need to take. Another thing is that i wish that i took things differently like for example during the summer taking some classes that i dont have to take now because i think it will be harder for me to graduate on time with my AA degree. The important thing is try and apply to many colleges and see where you get in to. Also applying for scholarships to help you to pay for college. Some of these things that i have mentioned are very important that i personally didnt do all of them my senior year of highschool and i wished that i have.


I took a lot of time in high school to have fun in ways i shouldnt have been having fun. Being in college now, i can see how those things were more harmful. My advice to my old self would be to remeber who you are. Thats what my dad always told me, but i never applied it until this point in my life. Learn to study and work hard so everything else will come easy to you. Don't become a statistic and be known as a kid who did what every other person your age did: ignore their parents and think they know better. You are an amazing girl with incredible potential to reach the stars and achieve your wildest dreams. You can do it if you keep your head on straight, and I know you can.