Florida College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Florida College know before they start?


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school student I would have a lot to say. I would sit myself down and with empathy tell me to slow down and focus on my studies. I would know how eager I was to fly through high school and do only what was necessary to make a passing grade. I would have to tell me how foolish I was for not focusing on grades as much as I focused on friend and home drama. I would have to break the news to myself that once out of college I would be in debt because I passed up on a lot of scholarships because I wanted other things. I would tell myself finally not waste the very intelligent brain the good lord gave me.


Wake up!!!! Good Morning Cynthia. It is time to rise and shine!!!! I know your classes are tough, but just think of all the benefits of finishing. I know it hasn't been easy, but your character has been built through all of your trials!!! . Soon, you will walk across the stage to collect your diploma. Just remember, not all of your friends who started with you, will finish with you. You can announce to all of your family and friends that you were the first to graduate from high school. I am so proud of you! College life won't be easy, I know you can do it! It's not like high school in the sense that at least your teachers monitor you somewhat now. In college, it is your responsibility to get good grades......and, by the way, you also have to figure out how to pay for your classes!!! You may miss quite a few parties with friends, your telephone conversations may be a little more brief than usual, and more often than not you may need to surround yourself with silence.............. for the sake of studying. But, you can do it!!! I believe in you!!!


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, and know what I know now about college life and making the transition, I would have told myself to stay in California and apply to a university in California and applied to a school with a high recognized name. Also, I would have told myself to go directly to grad school after graduating from University.


I would tell myself that school is not a game. You can't just stay up and play X-box all night, one has to get sleep and work hard. You also can't do it alone; you have to make more time for study and less time for wooing the ladies. School is fun, but hard. You get out of it what you put into it. I'd tell myself to be careful with expectations of others because life is full of unpredictable obsticals. Papers can't just be put off, and homework must be done. You can't study the night before a test and get an A, and the teacher is what makes the class, so ask other students and pick the best ones!


Choosing to go to Florida College has been the best decision i have ever made. From it i have learned that there are other Christians in the world. I have gained a new love for school and learning. I have met so many people that are kind and helpful. I have become a more active student socially and acedemical. I have gotten more envolved with church and volunteering. It has been valuable attending here because of all the reasons listen above and that attending here, i feel like i can learn in an environment that is encouraging, clean, safe, and that whats me to succeed.


Florida College, as a Christian college, teaches more than just academics and has opportunities that can't be found at many other colleges. While there are disadvantages to a small school, there are even more benefits. Because the classes are considerably smaller, the teachers are able to maintain a personal relationship with students and students receive more help. Florida College teaches leadership, service to others, and wisdom. There are more leadership opportunities at Florida College than most other colleges. I have been able to organize spiritual devotionals on a weekly basis as well as present lessons. Students are encouraged to write "happy mail" to each other, just simply notes to encourage others. Florida College has planned weekends for students to engage in projects helping the community. I've also become wiser at Florida College. Every day, at ten in the morning, all the students go to chapel to hear practical lesson on improving their lives. On the cross country team, I've learned endurance and perseverance. College has been valuable to me because of the characteristics I've developed, the bonds I've created with other students, and the opportunities I've had the pleasure to experience.


I have grown academically, physically, mentally, socially, and more importantly spiritually while at this school. I would not trade my experience for anything!


You wouldn’t imagine my life in a week. Actually, you would. It’s not that strenuous or exciting. It’s typical college, but I didn’t prepare myself for the imbalances. I wasn't aware that I would only get sleep on certain days, or that I’d only eat randomly when I “felt” like it or had time, or that I’d only have one real day set aside to be mature… not to mention laundry. Are you kidding me? No one told me that college was so random. No one ever really gave me good advice about college anyway – to be honest. It was all too generic like, “don’t procrastinate." Little did they know, I’m at Florida College. It’s not an ordinary college. Procrastination looms over our heads because social activities are dangled in front of us like carrots, and spiritual opportunities overflow like a pot of stew at 400 degrees, yet our professors are right around the corner to get us right back on the educational track. The value in any education is acquired from what is learned. The value in an FC education is the ability to laugh as we learn.


i have grown up lot during my first year of college. Even though I am not able to afford living out of my home, I feel more independent since I began. No one keeps track of when you sleep through class or when you fail a test. college becomes something that you can only succeed at when you have your own personal desire to be there. I have been able to prove to myslef that my dreams are reachable. I have shown myslef I can be diligent and patient. College is the only way to my career and it's put me through a test of whether a Doctor is what I want to keep working towads. It has been a positive obsticle that has been valuable to my growth as a person in society.


I have started breaking out of my solitary shell of living and learned that I should include many friends in my circle of trust. I have learned how to serve others and my community. I have been exposed into a deeply spiritual enviroment that brings out the best in me. I have gained much value from deep, new friendships; I have gained a will to constantly challenge myself to grow into something better than I once was.