Florida International University Top Questions

Describe the students at Florida International University.


I don't think anyone would feel out of place at FIU, cause I've seen everything here. People wear, listen to, do, and are interested in all sorts of things. Most people, I'd say, or lower middle class and live in Miami. People talk about money all the time. I don't really see too much interaction across social groups.


The sudent body in FIU is very diverse, you find students from all over the globe, and this is one of the things that makes FIU stand out from the rest


Most FIU student actually commute and travel to school. Ethnically there are many hispanics heere at FIU.


Too politically apathetic.


FIU's student body is very diverse. You will find every ethnicity and nationality here, though predominately Hispanic. There are student groups lauding and supporting all student causes, racial, religious, LGBT, etc.


FIU is the most diverse place in the world. I have met people from all over Europe and Africa, and of course Central and South America.


i don't really focus on that. I'm there to learn.


We are a very multi-cultural University.


There are a lot of hispanics, blacks, caribbean, asians, etc... I think it's a very nice mix. Only thing thats odd for me are the white people. I went to a high school where everyone mingled; the white people at FIU stick to each other only


I think the type of people we have here in the school is what makes the name for the school, because without them we wouldn't be recognized for anything