What is unique about Florida International is they provide a lot of diversity and opportunities for everyone. FIU has lots of different programs that i can benefit from such programs like the career services that can help students find out what they want to be in life.
Within the name, this school is completely international. The benefit is that not only are the professors from other parts of the world but so are your peers, so there is no way that you won't learn about a different culture. The school offers a mulititude of resources so that everyone can succeed, from tutoring to advising to every possible organization out there. FIU makes you feel like you have a purpose higher than what you expected to have when you left high school. FIU truly embraces the idea of a family.
It's location allows Florida International University to have an astoundingly diverse student population. Thus one can find an atmosphere of open-mindedness and tolerance, and many student organizations for the support of students of all backgrounds.
Uniqueness of diversity and cultural backgrounds allowing students to learn of different points of view in all aspects of daily life. It showed me that we learn more from our classmates than the actual faculty. It was definately an "eye opener" for many students who thought of the US as the only place worth knowing in the entire world. Indeed, the american dream is an excellent foundation, perhaps the best foundation that any other country in the world could offer, but it is our duty to care and explore the world we live and share with many other great countries.
My school allows me to conveniently commute. It also caters to international students which has opened me up to different cultures throughout my studies.
this school is very hispanic influnced and spanish is spoken among the daily here at school. this school really reflects the city of Miami as a whole.
There is a lot of school spirit and it seems as though everyone wants to be involved. The students always seem eager to be on campus and everyone seems to like attending all their classes.
Again, its diversity is what makes it unique.
My school is very diverse. I have literally met dozens of people from all parts of the world, even from countries I never even heard of! Plus the warm Miami weather is awesome!
What may be unique about this school compared to other schools is the amount of diverstiy in campus and also the different event different races come up with on campus.