There are many stereotypes at Florida International University. A few examples are all our students are all Hispanic, FIU is a commuter school and our athletics programs are horrible or not supported.
Though some people do live on campus, it is accurate that FIU is mainly a commuter school. That would also explain our large Hispanic population. Our school is only a little over 60 percent Hispanic, but it is an international school, there are students from many from different parts of the world. Our athletic program isn’t great but getting better and the support is growing. Our administration is even awarding Panther Points when students attend games and a student can build up their points to win great prizes like HDTV 1080 TVs, IPads, laptops, IPods and more.
Obviously they are.There are lazy people, studious people, party people, social people, loner people, funny people, and boring people.
1) Most of UP campus seems latino to me. As an anglo, I don't mind. I have a blast every time I come here. People are friendly! 2) UM is a waste of money. I researched the quality of instructors in my dept before I came here. One of my professors has his Dr. from Harvard and taught at Cornell. What a deal at FIU prices! 3)FIU just seems like a third rate school because of the amount of commuters....feels like a Community College...if you don't want to go away for school, this is a good choice, If you don't livein MIA and plan to come here, the dorms are NEW and AWESOME. 4) Yeah, it's true. They are always hyping it, but hey, if FIU offers you a free ride...come here. If you are just looking to further your athletic career and do school on the side...well...you are likely going to UM. 5) This is absolutely accurate. FIU violates the Sunshine Laws on open forums for admin. planning and short changes faculty and the students at the end of the day.
For the most part, the second is definitely true. The first, mmmm, not so much. But it is easier to get involved and hold a high position on the "minority" campus. But that's because it isn't as dominated by the greek system.
NO! Even though FIU is a public university it isn't a bad one at that and many people i've met come from all over the world to study here!
somewhat, but of course like any other stereotype, not a 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} true.
At times, but i like to think i've met a lot of people who disprove it
Not at all, it's actually harder than what everyone usually expects
While this is true of a certain segment of the student population, there is a large base of students involved in the school and the advancement of its reputation, both academically and socially.
They could not be further from the truth. FIU students are ,for the most part, well behaved and hard working.
Absolutely not, many chose FIU for its great business school, and our new law and medical schools.