There are many stereotypes at Florida International University. A few examples are all our students are all Hispanic, FIU is a commuter school and our athletics programs are horrible or not supported.
I mean the commuter students are sometimes considered aliens, haha.
Frat and Sorority people are considered "party" type. (Wrong stereotype)
Asians are considered smart. (Haha, me :P)
African-American people are huge. Well, our football team have several and they are huge. Apart from that, it's only a stereotype.
Caribbean people speak broken English. NO! They can speak proper English too!
They are from all over the world but lean toward Hispanic ethnicity. They are self motivated and driven. Most of them paying their own way through college.
1) They are all latino. 2) FIU is for students who can't afford UM 3) FIU is a third rate school. 4) FIU has a joke of an athletics program 5) The Administration is in the middle of a nefarious "expansion" plan and has foresaken quality of education in favor of awarding high dollar contracts for fancy buildings which are under utilized. Piss poor planning that is putting big dollars in somebodys pocket at the expense of students.
Between the two larger campuses, its been said that the larger one is the white and Hispanic campus and the smaller and the Black and Jewish campus. This is probably based on historical ratios; they may not be as accurate now. Also, since we are still very commuter based, its been said that our students are apathetic, older, and/or have full-time jobs.
None, too diverse
Seems to be that people think FIU students must be poor, as they couldn't afford UM and had to settle for FIU!
The stereotypes are that FIU students are shallow commuter students from schools like Belen and La Salle, usually Cuban-American.
That they are stupid and do not want to work. Also that FIU is an easy A school.
They're all colombian or just plain hispanic for the most part.
Not as good as other state universities
commuter, latin, slackers, apathetic, not as smart us UM/UF/UCF, etc.
That FIU is a slack school (because it's in Miami, it's public, etc) and that students go there just because they couldn't get in to anywhere else.
Majority are hispanic
-Stupid lazy students.
-University of last resort.
They don't care about their school as much as students of universities with more prestigious reputations such as Florida State or University of Miami.
Some stereotypes are that we are lazy and a waste of life?
i haven't heard of any.
They we're smart enough to not go to miami-dade college, but not smart enough to get into University of Miami.
The teachers aren't very good... well the quality of them