Florida International University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I would have known that the cost of housing was going to be very expensive.


It is a commuter school.


Before i had come to this school i wish i knew exactly how to plan and pick my classes. If i would have payed more attention on deadlines and the add/drop policy I could have had a chance to do a little better in school.


I expected the school to be a horrible experience because of its reputation as a commuter school. However, I cannot say I would have attended another school instead. My high school grades were awful, but I have had the opportunity to turn my act around here. It is not very competitive so it is a great school of opportunity. You are either going to excel or work and not do so well. I wish the school spirit was a little more intense.


About the possibilites they offer for dual enrollment/.


how amazing the thetaer department at my school is, i feel that everytime i walk through those doors i am right at home and everyone there no matther what grade they're in or in what level of acting they are, they will always treat you with respect and treat you as part of the FIU thetaer family we are.


I wish I would have known more about the Bright Futures Scholarship. I was not granted this award and therefore I am struggling, financially.


how much hard work had to be put in to learning and getting the grades you want.


That I should have applied to more scholarships.


More about finding scholarships.