Florida State University Top Questions

Describe the students at Florida State University.


Most of my classmates seem uninterested and bored. Most of them keep to themselves and can't wait to leave class.


My classmates share similar interests but vastly different views making for interesting classroom discussions.


Intelligent, fun-loving, eager to learn, easy to talk to.


Most of my classmates are not very serious or focused on their work.


Very kind hearted, helpful and generally enjoyable people.


Very diverse, friendly and outgoing.


The best word to describe the FSU student body is polarized. "Intellectual" types and moderates will feel very out of place at this college. Racial diversity/interaction is rare, unfortunately Tallahassee divides the white and black populations between FSU and its crummier sister FAMU. Surprisingly the political scene is equally divided, with plenty of reactionary conservatives and radical liberals. The school has its own abortion protests, complete with photoshopped pictures of decapitated fetus mannequins, on display for all to see in the union green (yes this really did happen!!) as well as student democrat stands who jeer at anyone who politely elects not to sign petitions to support Obamacare. Still other students are not active in anything at all, roaming the campus in sweats and flip-flops, a dazed look in their eye from too much beer at the frat party last night.


My classmates are very intelligent and mature people who are dedicated to achieving their goals at the Florida State University, these people work hard to maintain their GPA in good standards and believe in persistence.


Most of my classmates are really friendly and intelligent individuals who are willing to help eachother out as far as classwork and forming study groups goes. They are quite social, yet focused on doing well in classes.


Most of the classmates I have met here at FSU are all very hard-working college students, who also seem to know how to take it easy.