Very diverse. Because we have such a big international and study abroad program, there are always international students in my classes which is nice.
I feel that we are a very diverse student body and we have many races, religions, and social classes at FSU. I think a student from the lower class would feel the most out of place at FSU because there are a lot of rich students. Most students wear everyday clothes to class. Different types of students interact during class but not as much out of class. Most FSU students I've met are from south Florida or central Florida. Students are not very poitically aware although some are very active in politics. Students do talk about how much money they'll earn one day or hope to earn.
I think that Greek life tends to be a big thing on campus. However, like I said earlier...FSU is really diverse and that's something that I really enjoy about our school. I just wish Tallahassee was a bit more cultured
As a business student, a lot of my friends are definitely focused on the amount of money they will make in the future. I was surprised to realize how many people in college come from affluent backgrounds, much more well-off than mine. Nearly all of my friends have very nice houses and their parents are often college-educated as well. I guess it is the natural progression that my friends in turn are expecting their incomes to be equally high or higher. We have a lot of entrepreneurs and I'm sure they'll get there!
FSU is a very diverse school. People of all races, religions, ethnicities, etc. are welcome with open arms and no discrimination. A lot of students are politically involved and I chooses not to hold grudges towards those holding different views. This school has a good number of students with middle to upper middle class backgrounds as well as those students able to support themselves.
I'm am very happy with how diverse the student pop is.
Students are generally not politically aware just like non college students. College students generally realize that there is no incentive to care because so little is in our control. Especially the info presented to us about the candidates
There is a lot of diversity on FSU's campus. We have people driving Land Rovers and people who don't even own a bike getting along like best friends. People dress very casually for class. Most of the students I've met are from South Florida.
There is not much discrimination between different ethnicities and religion on campus, but some kids feel uncomfortable around African American kids because of the stereotype they are given from the less affluent that live close to the campus and are often seen near the bars. There really isn't any discrimination between different economic classes, and everybody generally gets along well.
The kind of student that would feel out of place at FSU would be somebody that likes to have a lot of alone time. If you choose to live on campus you do not get much alone time and there is always something going on. Also if you are extremely shy there are plenty of people that will go out of their way to warm up to you and make you feel more comfortable. If you want to keep to yourself or play video games most of the day you might be bothered by everybody else around you.
Most students wear a t-shirt and gym shorts to class, but in some of the higher level classes they wear suits and other business attire. Also some of the fraternities require their brothers to wear khakis a button down and a tie.
Different types of students constantly interact. The attitude is very friendly between students and students usually hang out with a number of students from different ethnicities and backgrounds. Also most groups do not restrict themselves to any certain clique one might associate themselves with.
In the dining hall there is typically the table that has all guys, and it can be either frat-looking guys or nerdy-looking guys, or there will be a group of mixed boys and girls. Sometimes there will be a table of all girls with the same stereotypes of the all guys table. And other times there will be some student sitting by themself, and sometimes somebody comes along and asks if they would like to sit with their group.
There really isn't any area that most FSU students are from inside Florida, but generally all students are from within Florida.
There are not that many students that have a very strong financial background, but many have strong to medium financial backgrounds. There are not that many that can be considered low-income, but there are still some from the lower income classes. The most common would be kids from middle-class families.
Most students are politically aware and active, and many are registered to vote in this upcoming election. Political banter between students is common and is generally between what presidential hopeful they are backing and why.
There isn't any predominant group of students that is classified left or right, but most of the students that I know are politically conservative. The politically left and liberal students are generally louder about their stance and more defensive about why they make their decisions, but there doesn't seem to be any more of either side of the spectrum.
Often students think ahead to how much they might earn and what good they will be able to contribute back to the community because of their success. Some students are more greedy and just focus on how much they will be able to make for themselves, but the majority don't really talk about how much they expect to make unless somebody asks them about their major and what they plan to get a career in.
There is unfortunately a dearth of political activism on this campus. The standard form of footwear worn yearround is flip-flops.
There are mostly frat and sorority girls around FSU.