Florida State University Top Questions

Describe the students at Florida State University.


I think my classmates are motivated to succeed but often look for an easy way out.


They are full of life, new ideas, intellegent thoughts, and self-control.


Goal oriented and proud to be a seminole.


Nice people.


About 2/3 are here to actually learn and get training for careers, the other 1/3 is made up of partiers, girls looking for husbands, and people who came just because college was the next step after high school.


I have only really walked around campus so far, but the student body seems friendly and willing to give out advice. I am starting my first semester at FSU in Fall 08 and have only walked around campus twice during the summer.


They are focused and committed to success.


In high school, you could walk out during lunch and just see all of the different cliques sitting about. Everyday, it was all of the same people hanging out together. Since I have been at FSU, I have not experienced this early education phenomenon. I see a cornucopia of students all around campus. Things like major, politics, religion, race, LGBTQ issues, socio-economic status: they seem to matter far less than they would have before. For the most part, students interact well outside of their normal groups.


Most FSU students are from Florida, but being an out of state student at FSU I never really was bothered by anything except when they talked about bright futures (and woe is me, I pay 200 a semester for school)... it had it's benefits, I got to pick a different friend to spend thanksgiving and easter with for the past 5 years!


There is an organization on campus for every interest/group/idea that you could imagine. The diversity is pretty good - but is primarily white. The democratic group seems to be more active than any other political organization. Get involved in student politics too - they do make a difference.