Florida State University Top Questions

Describe your favorite campus traditions.


Football and the performing arts program (dance, music, theater). We've also been known as a big party school.


FSU is best known for its graduate program's successes.


Florida State is best known for its social aspects. Even though there are some very difficult programs, most people still find the time to go out, party, and have fun. Florida State is a very well-rounded school and there is balance between social activities and academics.


Music school


football and partying


Florida State is best known for its rich history in tradition; especially football and other sports. we are vry active during football season and take pride in being Seminoles.


My school is best known for being one of the top public universities in Florida. It has a great academic program and is very competitive with other universities/colleges nationwide. It is also known for extremely attractive girls and their varsity athletics program.


FSU is best known for football and school spirit!! We're also gaining ground in research fields, especially with our globally-known magnet lab.


My school is best known for its scholastic determination especially in the music school, which is one of, if not the, very best public music schools in the nation.


Football team, Engineering, Chemistry