Florida State University Top Questions

What are the academics like at Florida State University?


A lot of my professors don't know my name personally especially since most of my classes are big lectures but in the 20-30 person classes they know my name based on how involved and spoken up I am. Students study far more than I expected, everytime I go to the library it's usually pretty full and study groups are a big thing which is helpful.


class is great, most of the time its actually fun to go the education is mostly theoretical


There are classes with 2,000 students or classes with 15. It just depends on your major or what courses you decide to sign up for. The best class I took was a poetry class where there were 20 students and we got to write our own work and have workshops. (I'm an English major... give me a break here.) Least favorite was psychology. As for studying goes, it depends on the person. When I'm at the library, there are always people here. FSU students definitely have intellectual conversations outside of class, and there are always performances and concerts here if you're into that. There are also great opportunities to get to know professors here and create a mentoring with them, and later you may even be able to conduct research under them.


Yes, some of my professors know my name, especially the ones from my freshman year and some from this semester. My favorite class right now would have to be Games and Decisions or Applied Microeconomic analysis. Both classes force to rethink how you see things. Games and Decisions forces you to make a decision based on the correct probability and payoffs; while, Applied Micro Analysis allows to see the best possibly way to make business decisions accoridng to shifts and curves in the market. My least favorite class was Financial Marketing, Bank and Monetary Policy from last semester. I never understood it, but I will definitely take it again this semester because I want to be able to grasp the concepts. Students study every day (depending on what else is going on, but it is usually still every day). Class participation is common in classes that seem more difficult, have more opinion topics, or just have fun, interactive professors. FSU students definitely have intellectual conversations outside of class because the topics discussed in class usual affect the students lives in ones way or another. Students at FSU are competitive but it's a healthy competition that makes you want to excell beyond the point where you would normally cease. The most unique class I've taken is an Honors Music Seminar in Ethnomusicology. I loved the class and the concept of the class. I also loved doing a music based project on the history, rituals, and popular music of a certain nation. My major is Applied Economics. It is a challenging major, but it is so very intersting! Not only do you learn the laws of supply and demand, but you apply to things that are relevant to businesses as well as households. Also, you take that application and make the best decisions that you can given the informatino available. I spend time wtih professors outside of class for homework/assignment help and also to talk about future careers in economics and even graduate school. FSU's academic requirements are up to par with how they need to be, and I do not feel that they need to change. The education at FSU is geared to what you want to be geared to. some classes are meant for simply learning to some (like my Mythology, Shakespeare, and Music classes) while others are geared towards job training (like Applied Micro) for some. It is what you make it.


I dont even knw my professors names, so I doubt that they knw me! Favorite class:Anatomy Lab. Least fav:ANYTHING involving chemistry. I think the majority of students study a LOT more than me....I watch TV instead. Class participation is common on the first day of class (mandatory), tests/quiz days, and finals week. Intellectual convos....not that I can tell. Students are competitive. Everyone wants to be the best. Unique class:Classical Myth. Dietetics is my major. It focuses on nutrition and diet. I dont see my professors outside of class...Very high standards and academic requirements. Its a lot of work, but it should be, so Im not complaining! Some people gear their education to getting a job, some learn random stuff just for the heck of it. I refuse to do the latter...


Professors do not know my name. Classes are so big most of the time that it is hard for them to know my name. My least favorite class was race and ethnicity w/ Mickelson. The class was unnecesarilly hard and only his previous students recieved good grades. I am straight A student and got a C- in the class! errghh. The Psychology department is wonderful! I dont feel like students have the best intellectual conversations out of class, but i say this because there are so many freshman everywhere so you only hear them! Once you are a 2nd semester sophmore or a junior, conversations get much better, and not only about partying. I do not spend time with professors outside of class. FSU education so far for me has been geared toward getting a job. Its great!


My proffessors all know me. I am in my major, and have personal relationships with almost all of my professors. Of course there is always that one person who you just don't mesh well with, but they are always proffessional. It's a little rough during the liberal studies stuff because you're classes are bigger and they are weeding people out, but once you get past that, you will truly enjoy your collegiate experience and even *gasp* enjoy going to class! I study a decent amount. It doesn't completely consume my life, but my grades are important to me. I have worked hard to get here, I pay a lot for it, why would I want to throw that away now? Of course FSU students have intellectual converstations outside of class! That is who we are, we are intellectuals, just because we can party it up on the weekends, doesn't mean we also don't enjoy expressing our opinions and things we have learned and know to one another. Students are VERY competitive. We take pride in what we do. We are intelligent, high functioning students who have all fought long and hard to get here, we want the best, we EXPECT the best, and that includes from our classmates and peers. I am a Family and Child Sciences major in the College of Human Sciences. Picking this major was the best decision I have ever made. I have loved EVERY minute of it, have learned soooo much, and now that it is coming to an end, I am exploring every way to prolong it as long as possibl! FSU's academic requirements are strict, but they are possible. They expect a lot from us, but if you just suck it up and do it, it always works out and makes sense in the end. I do not regret or feel any of my classes were a waste of time. (except maybe College Algebra...)FSU is very much geared toward your career. We have many options to speak with alumni who are in our career, we have a nationally recognized career center to help you with your resume and internships and such. Alumni from FSU tend to prefer to hire students from FSU, we have a great alumni career network full of jobs just for fellow 'Noles!


- Some professors really try to get to know you, but sometimes classes are too big. If you need more personal attention it is easy to access most professors. - My favorite class so far has been physics. The professors in that department are amazing. My least favorite would be Calculus 2. It is hard to find good professors and they are really needed for such a hard subject. - I personally study a lot, but there are others who do not. - Class participation is common for some classes, but is sometimes are to facilitate it in a class of 300. - I have experienced some very deep intellectual coversations on many different occations outside of class. - I have a competitive side, but I haven't seen anyones flood over into school activities. - My freshmen english class was writing about shopping. I didn't really expect to be able to take something like that. - I love the Civil Engineering department! I work for one of the professors and he is wonderful both in the class room and on a personal level. I also work closely with the physics department and they are a great group of professors to work with. I don't spend tons of time with the professors outside of class, but I do often have other interactions with them. - I feel that FSU's academic requirements are pretty fair. - I haven't witnessed anyone just trying to get the job. Most people seem to be very passionate about their area of study and really want to learn it. In the end I think most will be successful because of that.


In smaller classes professors know my name. My favorite class is my management class. One of the first things my professor said was "I love this school." She is positive about campus and during lectures, tells stories and keeps my attention. My least favorite class is my marketing class. My professor always complains about the school and when she lectures, she basically reads out of the book. I think students study a lot! It may not seem that way, but students really care about academics. Around finals and tests times, I find that students are in studying and I always meet groups of people who I can study with. Class participation is common in my classes. I have classes where the teacher lectures the whole time, but I see that teachers are noticing that an interactive class is a more successful one. Students do have intellectual conversations outside of class. I see students bringing up class subjects and casually conversating with fellow students. I always bring home what I learned, and learn from my friends too. Students are competitive, but they are more helpful towards their competition. There are times when students are competing for a limited high grade in the class, but they always help other students in need. The most unique class I've taken was an online class about the old south. It was interesting and a different atmosphere because it was online. The old south aspect made me think and I actually traveled to Savannah to learn more about it. No, I don't spend anytime with professors outside of class except the occasional office visit to review an exam grade. Education is definitely geared more towards getting a job. If it were for learning, there would never be curves in classes. I think it is fine the way it is because a job is our ultimate goal. Learning is something that occurs even outside of college; we don't even need to learn half of the stuff they teach us anyways.


I am a student of the Recreation and Leisure Services program at FSU. My professors in my program know my name. Within in my program some students are highly competitive, but it is a program based on individual and group work, being competitive pushes you away from your classmates. The program needs some help to address the changes in the recreation field, there is little emphasis on special events, but in the feild, it is the fastest growing.