Florida State University Top Questions

What are the academics like at Florida State University?


Most of my teachers know my name because they teach allmost all of my classes throughout the week. Outside of class, I def. talk about homework, or how to do things that pertain to my major. I spend alot of time outside of class with my t.a's


Studying happens alot. What's really nice is that they have a 24 hour library so at all hours of the day kids are studying. And right before tests, the library is swarmed with study groups.


The classes are too big. It's hard to mediate the talking that goes on and I think that hurts us academically.


professors known my name in my risk manageemnt classes, meaning classes that are 25 people or less. i think students study pretty often, but that also depends on their major and how difficult the class is that they are taking right now. .


English is my favorite subject and so there was many classes that were beneficial. My editing and manuscript class with Brenda Mills has been a rewarding experience. She is amazing and she really knows what she is talking about. I also loved Cadence Kidwell's Latino Literature, a lot of participation and getting to know film and really explording latin culture. The students are always striving to be better than the next, so you have to have your A game on. Some of my professors have invited us to go grab a bite to each instead of class and that was a great treat and got us to really familiarze ourselves; very important your freshman year.


i enjoy all my classes that are related to my major. i love the business school it is very competitive and is not as easy as one would think. i do feel that i will be very prepared when i graduate and get a job. professors are very qualified and some are well known who have received awards. they are also very helpful with offering time aside from class to help with anything in regards to class.


The classes are too big but this is not always a bad thing. It allows me to have a better chance to find people I know in the same classes as myself but can also be very distracting.


Most professors do not know my name but some do take the time to learn it. My favorite classes have been my hospitality classes. They're always interesting and interactive; I can count on being entertained. My least favorite class is life insurance. It's very boring and and it's at 8AM. Most students study the day before a test. Class participation usually happens by the same students everyday. Everyone else just listens. FSU students do have intellectual conversations away from class but sometimes they like to talk about mindless topics to get away from the academics. Most students are competitive, especially with grades. The hospitality department is great and the professors are amazing. They teach to the industry and all have such diverse backgrounds. The classes are very easy yet they are relavent. The risk management major is tough but personal. The professors learn who the students are and encourage them to do well. I do not spend any time with professors outside of class besides in their office hours. FSU has very good academic requirements and the education is geared toward getting a job, at least it is in the business school.


Some professors know my name. It depends on how much I enjoy his or her class


Ever since Strozier became open 24 hours a day and allowed you to bring your own food and beverage, the place has been hopping. I'm hoping that it is not only because it's now a place that people seem to want to hang out, but because perhaps our students are becoming more diligent in their studies. Some people are chatting, but a lot do have their heads buried in books. Strozier is SO much more packed than it was four years ago when I started. It was always like a ghost town unless it was midterms or finals week.