Florida State University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Florida State University? Why?


There are no bad things about this school


One of the things that I would have to say is the worst about my school is some of its buildings including dorms. The reason why I think this is because I feel some of these buildings are old and should probably be updated. As for the dorms though I don’t live in one I have been to them they are extremely small, and once again outdated just like many buildings throughout the school.


I haven't really found anything bad about the school. People complain about parking, but I don't have a car so really, there's nothing bad about FSU.


It's huge. This is a good thing in that it offers a lot of diverse opportunities and all kinds of unique people, but at the same time, it can be overwhelming and hard to find your niche of people who you fit in with and enjoy being around. I would say the large student population and expansive campus are overwhelming to a lot of new students who come here, and takes a lot of getting used to.


This campus is awesome! The only thing that I can currently think of is walking cross campus to other classes that are far from my dorm. some take from 15-20 minutes. That is the only negative thing I can really think of.


The lack of diversity.


The worst thing about my school is definately the tuition. Tuition has raised 15{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} during my college years. Having a job is almost a requirement for me and I am already up to $12,000 in debt due to loans. Not cool.


The worst thing about Florida State University, in my opinion, are the dorms. They are old and small. Last year one of my friends did not have hot water on various occasions. I suppose dorm life is not supposed to be luxuious or first class, but i have always been used to a certain amount of space and cleanliness where I live that I did not think FSU had to offer. Knowing all of this and being able to tour the dorms before my first semester gave me the oppoturnity to look for off-campus housing.


I do not think there is a worse thing at my school. They do everything in thier power to make sure we have everything we need and everything is available to us.


The worst thing about my school is the tuition, but that's not thier fault, it's the governers.