The worst thing about my school is the violence that surrounds the campus. Since Florida State is in the middle of Tallahassee there is a higher crime rate than schools in smaller towns which is to be expected.
The worst thing about my school, would be over populated classes. As much as I love the learning enviorment FSU has to offer, it's troubling at times when you're struggling and your proffessor isn't availible for one-on-one time or can't stop their lecture to answer a question. Not having a personal relationship with the teacher, as is most cases in highschool is a hard adjustment and my least favorite thing about my school.
I absolutely love my school, but it is sometimes hard living at and going to such a large University. It can be a struggle to accomplish some of the most mundane things, at times.
The worst thing about our campus is probably how crowded the school buses can get. In the morning around 8 or 9 a.m, the buses begin to get packed. The transportation is reliable and passes every 10-15 minutes but you usua;;y have to stand the entire ride since there is so many students trying to get to class.
There is not anything I would catagorize as "worst," but I believe there is always room for improvement. An area I believe may need some improvement is the timeliness of our our bus system for students, faculty, and staff.
The amount of alcoholism on campus. In reality, most campuses do have a large quantity of students that drink. At Florida State, it seems to be a bit higher than most. Although this is an individuals personal decision, I wish that our campus would be less tolerant of the abuse of alcohol and advertise more for safe drinking.
There is nothing bad about my school! The extreme temperatures are a little bothersome but that has nothing to do with/cannot be controlled by Florida State University.
The worst thing, if i had to choose, would be that all freshman are not guaranteed housing.
Too grek like oriented.
The worst thing about my school is the books required for classes because many of them are by Florida State University and are extremely high in price, even those books not made for the school are the new pricey editions. Secondly getting on campus housing as a freshman is not explained well enough on the website, leading to a numerous amount of last minute applications or first year off campus housing.