Florida State University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Florida State University?


If someone doesnt like to be around a lot of people or is a quiet person, easily bothered by noise, I would not reccomend this university. Florida State is a large campus filled with many different students and often crowded. Also is the student is looking for small class sizes, I would not Recommend FSU. Class sizes range from summer classes having 50-100 students and fall and spring classes in large lectures halls completely filled to capacity.


A person that is not open minded to all types of people and situations.


I think that this school is good for any kind of person. It's not too small or too big. There's activities going on most of the time, and they appeal to all kinds of people. There are also different interest groups that people can join.


Possibly one who doesn't enjoy freezing temperatures and trekking uphill to classes.


The type of person who should not attend FSU is someone who is not friendly and not open minded, anyone who is stuck up or high on themselves will surely not fit in.


The type of person who shouldn;t go to this school is someone who does not want to live the total college student experience. This means having the university pride and struggle but advancement through academics. Furthermore, a person who does not want to embody more than one ambitious character trait should definitely not come here. This is because, here at Florida State University, whether its through classes you take or a club organization your involved in, you are undoubtedly going to go through a positive change in human qualities. These qualities may reflect knowledge, customs, and strength.


A person who is not willing to work hard to succeed with their grades should not attend Florida State University. Many of the students who get preoccupied with clubs and parties end up not getting the best grades in their classes and sometimes do not return the following year. Also, a person who does not like the heat or walking up hill will not like this school since it gets extremely hot in Tallahassee and the campus is full of hills.


The type of person who shouldn't attend the Florida State University is one who is not willing nor motivated to get involved with their school and their community. If a student prefers an small campus, where every student knows one another, Florida State University is not the school for them. Individuals who are not open-minded or who are conservative, due to the liberal nature of the school.


Anyone is capable of being a college student. It takes hard work and determination for one to even be considered as a student at the Florida State University. College isn't about getting accepted, breezing through, and getting a job right away its about discovering the person that you are and making a life out of what you've learned. Students who aren't motivated and willing to accept the hardships and setbacks of college shouldn't be a student at all. I feel that my peers around me demonsrate these qualities and deserve to be a student here.


The kind of person who wants more personal interaction in a classroom should not necessarily attend this school. Which such a large population of students, many classes at Florida State have well over 100 students in a large lecture hall, which does not allow much for one on one conversation. However, many professors are open to meeting with a student during office hours later on.