Florida State University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Florida State University?


Florida State University is not made for just one type of student because anyone can find what they are looking for here. Every school can be seen as a party school, however Florida State is a plethora of other things than a stereotype. At Flordia State, we strive for excellence and always having strength, skill, and character. If you are looking for a reason you can tell someone not to go here, then it would be coming in with bad expectations because they will be surprised.


Someone who is not able to focus on their goal, one who has no drive and let parties or other activities get in the way. Someone who is not involved.


Florida State University is an open, accepting, and beautiful university. In addition, it is a top ranked university filled with students who excell in their work and strive to do the best they can. While the staff is friendly and supportive, they will never waver in their determination to uphold the Florida State standard for all their students. The kind of person who should not attend this university is the one looking for an easy ride and unwilling to put true effort into their education.


The kind of person who isnt motivated to work and conrtribute to the schools atmosphere. A person who loves the city and doesnt like living in the "country"


Those with a difficult time immersing themselves into a large group of people, or unwilling to make an effort to try. And also, people who have issues focusing and getting themselves together with distractions around them.


The type of person that shoul'dn necessarily attend this school would probably be one who is anti-social. Florida State University is very crowded, and it is nearly impossible to find a place to study without a bunch of people around.


The advice I would give is to get involved in anything you're interested in! Also I would say to study hard and don't put off doing your schoolwork until the last minute!


If you are lazy and can't manage your time or your own life, you cannot handle the pressure at Florida State University. FSU is a wonderful school but it has a constant pressure to succeed and excel. You need self-motivation to make it at Florida State.


The kind of person who should not attend FSU is someone who doesn't know what they want to do careerwise or isn't serious about furthering their education. The classes here are very challenging, but if you are serious about learning, are extremely helpful to what you are interested in. If you are not serious about your education, and do not take time outside of class to study and research more about your interests, you will fail.


Someone who interested in an "easy degree."