An anti-social person. In order to not get homesick and become really acclimated, they must be comfortable enough to join different groups and make new friends. Otherwise you will hate it here.
If one cannot deal with being a populated school enviroment, Florida State is not for them. Some classes are relativley small, yet there are lecture classes for general studies that can have 300 plus people in each class.
Someone who likes small class sizes and always needs individual help. Probably someone who doesnt drink or enjoy the social scene
A person that doesnt like integrating with different racial and social classes should attend this school. Anyone that doesnt like not being in a city or not having a large city surrounded with streets, lights, and businessess. Moreover, anyone that doesnt enjoying dry climate and random rainny days. When its hot, it gets really hot, but when it gets col in the winter, you almost dont want to get out of your warm , comfortable bed. Last but not least, someone that doesnt like to recycle. We always make sure to have a clean and healthy enviroment for faculty and students.
Florida State is a very diverse school so if I had to make a reccomendation on what type of student should attend my school I would probably say any and all types. The more unique the better, each and every individual has something unique to bring and I have whitnessed it first hand in the past years I have been at this school. It has opened my eyes and life up to so many new things that I would have never experienced otherwise.
The is not a "type" of person which should attend FSU. I think that anyone can come to FSU can be successful. It has a very diverse student body and their is something for everyone as long as they are willing to put in the effort. Anyone who wants a good education and wants to expand thier opportunities is, in my opinion, the perfect kind of person to attend Florida State University.
Someone with no academic agenda should not attend this school. The school requires you to know the material of the classes you are enrolled in and expects you to alot yourself with adequate amount of time to learn the material further outside of class. This school would not be ideal for someone who doesn't like the heat or humidity. Our school is very diverse in race and ethinicity and I would not encourage students who have a problem with this to attend Florida State University.
Florida State University has a very open tolerant feel about it that welcomes just about everyone with open arms. From the very beginning, at orientation, the upperclassmen in charge have workshops involving skits on how to properly deal with issues from drug use to sexual orientation. I have seen all sorts pass through this campus and those afreaid of change and who are intolerable of others openly expressing their opinions may feel uncomfortable in such an open community, but are still welcome to grace these halls and join the ranks of students who come from all over.
If you are someone who is lazy and without ambition, then I suggest that you look into finding another school to attend. Florida State University is known for its academic prestigiousness - as well as its athletic history - and with institution of such educational standards, great amounts of hard work and dedication are required. But it should be known that this hard work and dedication will not be in vain once one has completed his/her desired degree programs. The long-term benefits significantly outweigh the short-term inconveniences that come with the process.
Someone whose vision is crowded by prejudice should not attend this school. There are so many fascinating people that attend walk the campus; to close your mind to any one of them would be a shame and a pity. It is the people who are different that make this school what it is, and so anyone who thinks otherwise should probably just attend somewhere else.