Florida State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Florida State University know before they start?


The most important thing when choosing a place to go to school is to choose the place you think is best for yourself, not the place your friends are going. New friends can be made and distance can't tear true friendships apart. Once in college, don't feel as though you need to drink or smoke because that's how others have fun. Don't change yourself to fit in in college. College students are so self-involved that most could care less what you do and what you don't do.


Pick the one you feel most comfotable at when you visit, and move away from home to experiance a different area


I would advise students to go to their choice of school. I have seen some of my friends that went where their parents wanted them to go but they only stayed one semester. Parents should let their children make the choice, so long as they are not putting themselves in any danger, because after all we are adults. We will make mstakes but just knowing you stand behind our decisions makes it a little easier when things don't go just right. Parents should be available to their students in what ever way possible. We may be adults, or at least act like one, but we still do take what you have to say to heart. Don't think we don't love you or care about you, becuase we do. We appreciate you for being there and getting us to a point where college was an option, and without you it may not have been. Whether we wnat to admit it or not you are still the center of our life and we look to you for advise.


I would advise to parents of a college student first leaving the nest to help their child figure out what they need to survive but encourage them to stay busy and keep a job and get involved in school activities, but not to get too overbearing on their child and stress them out too much. They will be fine, its the learning experience called college. I would advise students to let their parents help them because their parents are probably be more stressed out than they are, and that they need to make sure they make good decisions so that they do not ruin their future because they are so focused on their social life.


Students should do extensive research online looking at prospective colleges to narrow down their list. Students should decide what their priorities are and find out which colleges match those best for them. There should be a balance between financial, academic, geographical, and social aspects. Once a student has narrowed a list of colleges to a reasonable number, that student should travel to each of these universities if possible to get a feel for campus life. A college could look perfect "on paper," but it is rarely a sum of its parts. There are numerous factors to a college experience that can only be comprehended through first hand experience, however, second hand experience through information given by current students is a decent subtitute. Communication with students at a prospective university is essential to understand the essence of the potential experience.


Whatever your religion might be, make sure that the school has an active group that supports it. Being involved with those who share your beliefs really helps you in times when you're down or are working through any sort of dilemma, moral or otherwise. Also, make sure that the climate of the school matches something you can handle. For instance, if you love sunny Florida, don't go to Oxford in England or something like that.


Well, don't let money be the reason why you don't choose to attend the college you have always wanted to attend. Even though paying for college can be a daunting and never ending task there are definitely ways to pay for it, just remember that in the end that degree you obtain will pay you back. My parents aren't rich and in my opinion our "Estimated Family Contribution" is estimated a bit too high, regardless my parents have sacrificed a lot to make sure that my two sisters and I get through school. My mother constantly tells us, "Now don't forget what we sent you to school for." I'm sure to never forget because I know I'm in college to learn and to make something great of myself. I also never forget how grand an opportunity it is to get a higher education and above all else I realize that I'm truly blessed and highly favored because not everyone is affored such an opportunity.


In regards to finding the right college, my advice would be to get out there and visit any college that slightly interests you. There is only so much the internet and brochures can show, and without being physically there, you can not know if the college is right for you. I feel that you will know when you find the right one and the only way to be 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} postive you are choosing the right school is actually setting foot on that campus and believe that you couldn't be anywhere else. In order to fully make the most of your college experience, I suggest living on campus your first year. Especially if you are going to a school where you don't know anyone, dorms give students a great oppurtunity to meet new people and adjust to the college life. College dorms open many doors to getting involved in campus activities though charity organizations, club sports and support networks for those who get home sick. Its a great way to get acustom to the new enviornment and take full advantage of the college experience.