My biggest piece of advice is to go with your gut. After weighing out all of the possible pro?s and cons, and other factors that will affect your collegiate experience go with your gut. In my personal experience I did not choose FSU first however after visiting the school and talking to advisors I had a change of heart and I wasn?t sure which school to choose based on what I was looking for out of college. I really wanted to go to the other university but my deciding factors pointed to and my gut urged me to choose Florida State. Because of that choice now I can say I am genuinely happy with my Overall college experience. I wouldn?t trade the last four years of my life for the world.
During my college experience I had more freedom than I had ever known. I was away from home for the first time. I lived with two people I had never met before. It was a tremendous gamble but in the end it all paid off. I made so many friends and built so many relationships during my two years at Florida State University. I would not have made my experience any different. I would encourage parents to let their children learn from their own mistakes. Let your children thrive because you may have no idea how strong they can be in the face of adversity. Give them unconditional support and encouragement but do not try to control them while they are away at college. College was a time in my life when I had to learn how to take charge of situations I would not have normally had to deal with when living with my parents. It was a time of growth and discovery. A support system is extremely important when going away to college as well. Parents make sure to check the noise level where the student will be living. The noise level can be extremely distracting and annoying.
do not freakout if you fail your first test in class because you might be in a ajustment period in your life
I believe that the best way to find the college that is best suited for you is to actually go to the campus and take a few tours of it. The tours at all the colleges i visited seemed to really give me a great feel of what the university is like. Another great thing to do is to talk to someone that goes to college. To get an actual student's opinion is a good way to see if the students do actually enjoy attending this school. To make the most of the college experience I would have to say it is best to get out there and meet as many people as you can. I feel like some of the friends i have made in the past three years are going to be there when i get married and possibly forever. Also, i would say to really utilize what the university has to offer in terms of clubs, libraries, on campus activites, or off campus activites. Most of the majors here have a connection outside the college that helps you get experience for your intended future career.
For undergrad, find a place that is comfortable and easy for you... don't take on too much. Go for the trophy school at the graduate level.
Go with your gut feeling. Students: don't follow your parents dreams, make your own!
To the parents of students I have the following advice: While you may be in a demanding career that prevents you from devoting time to your child, I urge you to make the necessary sacrifice in regards to their college education, especially if they demonstrate a willingness to learn, a desire to succeed, and most-importantly an approach to reach their goals. Perhaps researching financial aid opportunities and monitoring future important deadlines would be a start. Overall, simple encouragement and a happy home are essential. Take some time to research different schools and obviously compare options.
To the students who have chosen to advance their life, I applaud you. With the continuation of classes quickly approaching, I advise you to stay on top of things and absolutely stay organized. You may be highly intelligent but if your possessions become disorganized, you're going to be at a disadvantage and complete tasks in an unsystematic way. To make the most of your experience, dive in and always be open to meeting new people and treat them with gentleness and respect.
Guide your children, but allow them to make their own choices about finding the right college and making most of the experience. They'll only get to go to college once and they need to start making their own choices in order to grow into mature adults. Remind them of why they are there and encourage them to keep their grades up. Unfortunately most students lose sight of that and graduate with lower-than-expected GPA's and consequently suffer in the job market as a result.
Listen to your children's ideas about school. I was sort of pressured into going to an in-state school due to financial reasons. I wanted to go to a school 600 miles away and this was frowned upon. FSU is a little too big for my liking. If your child does not want to attend a huge school, then don't force them to. Your child will attend a school that he or she likes. If they do, I believe, he or she will do much better in school all around. So my best advice is to listen to what your child has to day.
Think about the important role mathematics and science plays in the convience of your daily life. Don't miss out on an oppurtunity to make knowledge your power. It may not be easy. Engineering school has many challenges along the way, many in which I have not yet encountered. Although, I know that it is up to myself whether I can or can't. My faliures in Engineering school teach me and strengthen my character. I've learned that Intellegence is good, but my self control is far more valuble. When I keep a good study schedule, then I always find time to party with my friends. It is truly a great feeling to celebrate with friends and knowing your academically succeeding. Plus, in the Engineering profession you have excellent job security. I already have an internship in town at a local Civil & Environmental Engineering Firm because you knowlede speaks for itself. Challenge yourself !