You can choose to listen to advice you receive, or you can choose to throw it away. Most colleges are just trying to help you with your life. Go where you want to go. If you dont get into a 4 year college, Community College is cheaper and the way to go. Apply multiple places, so that you can have a choice when it comes time to choose.
When you get to college, do what your heart tells you to. This is the time of your life when you can find out what exactly you want to do with your life. Use this time, because it goes fast. The time of your life begins right now. Either you use it to your full advantage, or you goof around and waste your precious time on this Earth.
In order to choose the right college, it is most important that your college of choice is outstanding in your area of major. You then must visit the college, talk to attending students about their experiences, and sit in on a lecture. This should give you an idea of how your college experience would be. To make the most of your college experience you must first fully apply yourself to your studies. Although the entire college experience should not just be about studying, it should be the center of your focus. The college experience is social, mental, and sometimes spiritual, especially around finals week. It is about the application of knowledge, the unforgettable memories, and the lifelong friendships that make your college your alma mater.
When looking for the right college visit different options and stay a couple of days so you can truely get a feel for what the campus is like and what the people are like. Pick a school that has everything that you truely want. Don't settle for a school just for their football team or the parties because there's so much more to college. If your interested in the Arts than go to a school with a good arts program, if you like sports pick a school with a intermural sports program. When you pick the school that you feel best suits your goals, make sure to venture out and explore all the possibilities available to you while your there. If most colleges are like my own, there are millions of organizations, sports teams and activities that you can take part of and the more you explore the more interesting and exciting your college experience will be. Parents, you should support your student and get involved as much as possible by attending events like parent's weekend. Your college experience is what you make it. So do your best to make it the best time of your life.
Find a school that's known for the field you want to work in. That is the school that will be able to take you the farthest and set you up for your future career. The best place to be is a place where you feel at home. If you are uncomfortable when you visit, you'll probably be uncomfortable being a student. When you find the right fit, get involved in lots of things like clubs, sports, and music groups. There is so much to do at college. Most importantly, get your priorities straight and be a good time manager.
Do not choose your school based on the decisions of others. Do not choose it solely because your relatives went there, because your friends are going there or because it is prestigious. Choose it because it makes the best sense for you. First and foremost, does it have a good degree program for your future career? After all, that is the reason why you are going to school. That should be the priority! You aren?t sure? Do some research and find out! Aside from that, visit the college and get a feel for the campus atmosphere--test the waters, so to speak. Maybe a big university isn?t for you; perhaps a smaller private college is a better choice. You?ll never know until you check it out for yourself. Never be afraid to ask questions and explore your options. This is big decision, but it is also a n exciting one. Try and remember that during this daunting process. College is going to be a lot of fun mixed with hard work. Get ready to enjoy it, you are almost there!
From the time I was in high school, I knew I would go to Florida State University. Being a resident of Tallahassee, I grew up around the school and knew it was the place for me. To make the right college choice, I think you need to compare many different schools and see where you think you would be most comfortable and fit in the best. Also if you are interested in a specific subject, it would be helpful to chose a place that specializes in that area. The environment of the area of the school also plays a big role in deciding where you should go, so you should make sure that you enjoy the area you will be living in. To make the most out of your college experience, you need to get involved with the school. If I wasn't an FSU Majorette, I wouldn't nearly feel as close to my school than I do. Find an activity that best suits you and you will meet life-long friends and add excitement to your schedule, instead of just attending classes. Also, work hard in your classes and your college experience will be a positive one.
There are many factors to consider when looking for the "right" college. One of the first steps should be finding a major that aligns with a person's interests. Many colleges have certain programs that they are known for specializing in. Some colleges may have better programs for liberal arts majors while others excel at business programs. If students are unsure of their area of study, they should check out different university locations and the student life on campus. Some students may want to experience a big city while others would prefer a more intimate campus. Find one that matches lifestyle, goals, and personality.
My advice to parents is simple. While it's difficult to see your son or daughter leave the nest, it's necessary to let them choose the college that is best suited for their needs, even if this requires them to leave their home state. It is definitely important to check out colleges with your future collegiate scholar, that way both parents and the student will feel good about the decision.
My last bit of advice is no matter where you go you should get involved! Meet new people and enjoy the exciting new experiences.
Before you sign the check to your deposit on the college, I think it is imperative that you visit the campus. Take a tour and learn the history of the campus, and what it means to walk the halls of the university. Talk to some of the students and just take a day walking around, and imagining what it would be like to walk those steps every day. If it's possible sit in on a class or two, and visit the dorm rooms. Also, check out what is available locally. I made the mistake of enrolling in a University in Tallahasse, only to find out that there are no Haitian restaurants, or Haitian churches in Tallahassee. All these things may seem trivial, but they are very important pieces to deciding where you will be for the next 4, 5, or six years.
If you love big settings, four-year universities are great but they are not for everyone.
Kids find a place that is far enough from home that you do not see you high school friedns everyday or week, but close enough that if you feel really homesick you can visit, and possibly some of your friends will be going to that schol too. and Parents dont push any one school on your kids let them decide where they want to go, and what school is best for them.