Apply for as many scholarships as possible! Your junior year, your family will go through some hardships and you will be forced to get multiple jobs to pay for everything yourself. You can do it, but it will be challenging.
I would tell myself to do well in college the first couple of years and to take it seriously. I would tell myself to set a goal and work towards that goal in a meaningful way. I would want to be more invovled and I would tell myself to not be afraid of things. I would tell myself to try out for sports even if that meant they would say no you cant make it. I would live in the moment and make the most of all of my opportunities.
I would tell myself to go to college right away after high school. The longer you wait in between high school and college make college harder. I would tell myself to make the best of my senior year and get the best grades possible to make a difference in college. Study hard and effectively. Listen to those older and wiser.
Knowing what I know now, I would have told myself to apply to state colleges. Junior College feels much like high school and does not give me the extra challenge I need. While I could have lived away from home and learned how to be on my own, where in my current place, I cannot.
I advice myself to save all the money i could for food, gas, & other personal items. Also, i would advice myself to develop good study habits and be ready to be serious about the work that needs to be done. Lastly, i would tell myself to take summer classes to get closer to my degree as a RN. Its not easy being a college student with no job, but I do study hard and do the best I can at all that I do. I make good grades because i do want to be a great nurse someday.
I would tell myself that college is nothing to be afraid of and, I would have went straight to college .
Senior year, I applied to over 30 different scholarship opportunities and I worked harder than I ever had, academically. Knowing what I now know about college life, I would encourage myself to save up as much money as I can and work as much as possibleto allow for an income that will be there when I need it in college.
I would tell myself to follow your heart and anything is possible. This cliche is the epitome of what my adventure through college has been like. I would trust myself to make the right choice and never back down when it does not go as planned.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself not to worry so much about college. All throughout high school, I constantly worried about being on my own and being thrown out into the "real world" after graduation. However, I have discoverd that, even though my parents are not at college to "hold my hand," I am still not on my own. Colleges have more than enough resources to help with whatever need may arise during a student's college career. From advising to financial assistance, everything needed to be successful is available to help a college student thrive.
I would also tell my high school self to take every class seriously. Plenty of times, I would sit in a class and wonder to myself, "How will learning this ever benefit me?" When I reached college, I found out that many of those subjects were brought up and applied to different courses in ways I had never really thought they could be applied. I would tell myself as a high school senior that, even though something may seem irrelevent now, it will definitely be beneficial in the future.
Be open to everything about college. Don't worry about having a plan because you have no idea who you even are at this point. Everything will out fine!