Fontbonne University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Fontbonne University?


If you re chosing to attend college for the traditional state college experience with the focus being on social life and activities instead of academics Fontbonne isn't necessarily the right college. Fontbonne isnt' considered very liberal and doesn't have many fine arts majors so artsy students interested in music, drama, or art aren't going to be in the right place. There are some international students but mainly students from middle-class families. It's not extremely diverse or very welcoming to excentrism.


If you're the type of person that likes large universities with large class sizes, I don't feel Fontbonne would be a good place for you to attend.


Someone looking for the big school experience. There are no "big games" such as football, no fraternities or sororities.


Some one looking ot party a lot or attend a school focused mainly on sports should not attend this school.


Someone who doesn't like the small-school, one on one atmosphere


The school should not be attended by people who believe that the social experiences of college are equally as important as the academics. It is a small school that is only able to focus on a handful of things; with academics being the obvious, main priority.


I believe that the only way someone would not like this school is if they did not like small classes and teachers who know you.