Fordham's academics are both great and horrible. The extensive core allows students to get experience in many academic areas. However, the extensive core can sometimes inhibit students from beginning their majors. It has both pros and cons. The class size at Fordham is great too. The classes are small, so the professors do learn their students' names. The one thing about Fordham that is very difficult too, is the division between the Business school and Fordham College. The business school is heavily, heavily catered too; however, the Fordham College students have to work much harder to get internships, and get prepared for the outside world. Also, the Fordham College Administration is very frustrating. It's a constant run around. No administrator can answer any questions, they constantly send the students to someone else. It's very difficult to get things done.
they are great classes to teach you important thigns about life and to get you ready for getting jobs.... free bears!!!!!
All of my professors know my name and the classes are pretty small. I had one great English class where there were only 10 of us and the conversations were amazing. It is almost impossible to hide here, though, and if you aren't into that doing classwork thing, this isn't the place for you. My favorite class is my intro to media industries class because it's really practical information, stuff you'll actually use if you are a communications major, and its fun and current. Fordham has a lot of annoying requirements (like the giant core I'm sure you've heard about). It's hit or miss really - my chemistry class is amazing but my philosophy class was torture. Both are required and then some. It is cool to see a movie and then realize how Kantian it was, but if you're not into that, again, you'll be pretty miserable. Fordham is definitely more geared toward education for education's sake and NOT toward getting a job. After all, a lot of students are studying philosophy and theology. One perfect example is how students aren't allowed to do internships for credit until their junior year; well, I've already had two and I'm only a sophomore. So, it's possible, but it's hindering to not receive credit because you will have a full course load on top of an internship.
Academics at Fordham are not as hard as you might think. As with any college it basically depends on the professor you get. The first semester you basically have no choice but after that you make your own schedule. My professors all know me by name but I rarely go to their office hours because its not necessary for me. I dont really hear intellectual conversations outside of class, but the people who I hang out with really aren't like that. And no, I find that students really aren't competitive- someone is always willing to help you out if your having a hard time studying for a test. I'm actually filling this thing out now because I don't want to write a paper...
Professors are extremely approachable and classes are almost always extremely small-- Core classes are generally really good, but sometimes people get stuck with a poor teacher, most of mine were great though.--Studying does not take over people's lives, but people have to buckle down around finals and midterms. --Class participation is certainly welcome, but probably just about average.--I have frequent intellectual conversations outside of class, but I'm in the honors program, so that might just be the nature of my friends.--Students are competitive, but the goal is always for everyone to succeed.--I took an Honors Class called "Honors Global Business Readings" and it was essentially a graduate class with a graduate professor, it was awesome. We read a lot of interesting business books and had very challenging discussion.--I love to frequent office hours, especially when I am not doing as well as I'd like, and they're always welcoming.--Fordham's core is well rounded and really good.--Fordham is very focused on teaching "the whole person" (a Jesuit ideal), but jobs and internships are still very relevant, especially being in NYC.
THe courses at Fordham are very good.
The advising program is HORRIBLE. My advisor wouldn't meet with me until I called his boss.
Classes are small, and if you put in the work you can certainly do well. Not that there are grades based on effort, but there is help in the right places and the teachers explain things well. A lot of emphasis is placed on participation in English, foreign language and other classes that are discussion based.
The faculty is mostly helpful, with a few notable exceptions. Ask someone about a professor before you take a class so you know what you’re getting into. If you get into the honors program you should do it. You’ll work your ass off, but you’ll get a good education and it makes core alot easier to finish, as you’re pre-registered for classes.
all of professors know my name
my favorite class is probably intro to biology II
least favorite: Composition and Rhetoric
students do study often here, especially if you are premed
class participation is common
yes fordham students do have intellectual conversations outside of class
students are not competitive with each other, they are there to help each other out
unique class: philosophy of the human nature
I am a biological sciences major, while being premed, the department is very good, except it is soooo much freakin work. soo much
I do spend time with my professors outside of class in office hours
Fordham has a ridiculous Core requirement. its like 18 classes!!! soo much, it takes to long to finally be able to take classes that you want
education at Fordham is based on the Jesuit tradition. FU is making great people for the outside world