Fordham University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Fordham University?


wealthy, nerdy, guido, smart


There are different stereotypes for the two main Fordham campuses. The Lincoln Center campus in Manhattan has fewer undergraduates and is perceived to be the artistic campus, which has some truth to it. The Rose Hill campus is the Bronx is the main campus and houses the most undergraduates. It's stereotype is that it is complete with New Yorkers (particular students from Long Island) and is dangerous because of its location. The perception is that the two campuses do not mesh well when its students are together.


I'm not sure there are any stereotypes about Fordham or Fordham students. Supposedly there is some kind of rivalry between the theater students and the non-theater students but that has sort of fizzled over the last two years.


Common stereotypes about Fordham students are that they are all politically conservative, business-minded, and money-driven.


The only thing that comes immediately to mind in an intra-school stereotype: Rose Hill is a more traditional campus with a more conservative student body while Lincoln Center, because it houses the theater and visual arts departments, is more liberal and, uh, more gay. Apart from that, Fordham doesn't seem to have a large enough reputation to lead to outside stereotyping. When I tell people I go to Fordham, the response is usually "That's in the Bronx, right?" and that's the end of it.