The key to finding the right college is to begin the process early. I began visiting colleges my junior year of high school and I honestly think that it really helped me to narrow down my options. The first step is to make a list of everything that you are looking for in a college. That way as you make your visits to the different schools you know what to look for and what to ask about. My advice for how to make the most of your college experience is to get involved. Becoming a part of a team or a club is the best way to make friends as a freshman. it is easy to get involved whether you dorm or are a commuter so take advantage of all that your school offers.
parents-keep an open mind and don't limit your child with want you think your child wants, they can make their own choices.
students-think about financial situation realistically, understand that college size makes a difference in terms of attention and overall progress, once you begin college try your best to find a balance between school work and social life because raising your GPA once its dramatically low is extremely difficult
Go witha school that is open, has general classes and majors, and is acedemically flexibly. that is so if you don't know what you want to do when you get there, you won't feel boxed in. Try to find a diversy campus because it is my experience that students do better in more cultural diverse campuses. Make sure there is enough housing and jobs around the area of the school because you never know when they will come in handy.
I would advise parents to really listen to their kids and what they are looking for in their college experience. College is truly a time for students to not only expand their intellect, but to discover and define who they are. It is important that their children feel as though they have a say in this stage of their life as going to college is really a right of passage that has the potential of being one of the most fondly looked upon times of one's life.
I would advise students to take the time to really reflect on what is important to them, and what they are not willing to compromise. I would also encourage them to consider colleges outside their hometown. I believe that we truly need to seperate ourselves from everyday familiarity in order to find ourselves. We learn a great deal about ourselves when we are outside our comfort zones, and we are forced to grow and stretch. College is just as much about academics and earning a degree as it is a journey of self discovery.
Finding the right college for you isn't just about finding a college with the highes ratings or the best one you can get into; it's about choosing a school where you feel comfortable that includes not only finding a academic program that will challenge you but finding a school and community where you will thrive and grow as a studet and as person. Don't jsut look at statistics look at the students and faculty and see if you could see yourself as part of their family. And when you're here it's all about finding the balance of that comfort and new challenges.
My advice to parents: Your children know who they are. They know their dreams, their desires, their likes, and their dislikes. It may be hard (because of course you want to share with them all the knowledge you wish you had when you were their age!), but it is important to step back, let go, and let them make this ever-so-important decision themselves. If, to you, it seems like a mistake, it is still theirs to make. But you should be confident that you have done your job well, and that in the end, they will absolutely make the right decision for them.
My advice to students: Go with your gut, and don't be afraid of your dreams. What do you want most? Where will you be able to best pursue it? College is the time to try new things, meet new people, and have incredible new experiences--but most importantly, discover yourself. Conquer your fears, quiet them before they begin to roar too loudly in the darkness, because you are infinitely more powerful than they! Remember, everything new you do in these next years will make you stronger, and will help shape who you become.
Make sure you visit. It is very important to vist schools. It is impossible to get the entire feel of the school without a vist/ over night stay. Give every school a chance and go to the one you mesh with
Do your research. Assess your preferences no while you are in highschool: do you like big classrooms, or small; do you want a diverse campus so you can learn more about other cultures or do you prefer to learn about people like you. When you get to college, go out and learn and see as many new and interesting things as possible. Meet new people that are not like you and who are like you. Stay focused. Dont always be a follower, you'll be surprised at how many people respect you when you choose not to follow the crowd. Have fun and enjoy yourself!
visit the college before you apply
Evaluate all aspects of the college in order to find the perfect fit for you. Initially, one might assume that the environment and socioeconomic factors do not play into your college experience, but they will. If you need out of classroom learning, find an urban school with cultural outlets. If you need to be free of distractions, do not go to an urban school.