Front Range Community College Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Front Range Community College?


As any college, a student not dedicated to the classes given should not attend. If the student finds fraternities or other "college life" lifestyles more enticing than the actual education iteslf, they should first exhaust their ambitions elsewhere before finding themselves obstructing the other dedicated students. If it is otherwise done, certain consequences will arise. For instance, a failed class for an unfocused college student will mean a loss of money to the economy. Money is given on the basis that the government should reap the benefits of the education paid for if the student may put it into practice.


I believe anyone who is willing to learn is able to attend this school. Classes are offered in different ways, there are hybrid classes, online classes, and regular classes to fit any schedule.


This school is great for all students unless your not going to want to go to class.


I think that everybody should attend this school before they consider going to a big 4 year University.


The only type of people that shouldn't attend my school are people who do not do well with a diverse population.