To learn how to study better. I came to college never having to really study before, so my grades really suffered the first year since I had to teach myself good study habits.
Both parents and their students have to realize that this is a totally different experience for the child. Their child will have to mature to meet the college standards and his/her peers. These young adults seek not to waste time on trivial things, but to better themselves so that they can begin a career well suited to them when they graduate. For finding the right college, the student needs to go to the college and spend as much time there as possible to get a feel for the environment, atmosphere, etc. They also need to make sure that the college has the academics and major suitable to their preference.
The best thing for a student and their parents to know is that it takes plenty courage and a great mentality to step up and make the best out of one's life, especially by going to college and later finding a career for themselves. This will be a great experience for them that they will never forget nor have anything else like it. It's a once in a lifetime discovery of ones own ability, personality, strength, weakness, and determination to perservere and march into the real world.
Do not judge a book by its cover. Finding the best fit is essential. If a school does not work and you gave an honest try then get out. You must be happy to optimize your performance and college experience. Being able to get along with a place and loving a place are completely different things. Taking an overnight visit or two can help you get a feel for things. Do not just hang out with one host student either. Host students have been screened by the university and are mostly biased in one direction. Meet lots of students on your visit and do not be afraid to ask questions. Stay for the weekend and see what really happens, whether it is in the library, a new church, or a fraternity basement. For a time that should be a highlight of your life, you do not want to regret not knowing something. There are so many colleges and scholarships that you should not have to settle and compromise your college experience. If you do your best every step of the way, you can regret little.
You really, honestly need to take time to think about it. It is in no way an easy decision, and should by no means be decided by one single factor, ie cost, particular athletic, etc. Once you find the right school for you, it seemed really impoirtant to me last year that I got as involved in the school community as possible. Keep your grades up if possible, but dont beat yourself up over a few bad tests, classes, grades etc. It happens, and colleges are an incredible place to learn what methods of studying and learning work, and especially what DOES NOT work. I know that all too well. Maintain good friends, avoid bad friends. It seems like redundant advice, but seriously, Dont waste your money, you will quickly realize money does not grow on trees, especially if you already do not know that. above all stay healthy, it will be worth it. and when things feel too hard dont give up because the benefits will outweigh whatever struggles there are along the way.
I would advise them not to stress out do much. Just because something does not work out the way you want it to does not mean that it can not turn out to be the best experience of your life. I would also tell students to not be afraid to push the boundaries at bit. It is better to regret having done something then to regret having not done something. College is more than just getting an amazing GPA. It's about meeting people that change your life and having experiences that shape you into the kind of person you want to be. One of my personal mottos is to Never refuse an experience, unless it is harmful. Sometimes a trip to Waffle House at 4 am can be the most fun you have had all week. But you would never know this unless you go. However, be careful not to become too fun-oriented. Cramming for an exam the night before is never a good idea. College is all about balance; once you achieve that you can do anything. But always remember that things will not galways go your way; you have to learn to roll wuth the punches.
Well they first need to do as much research as possible on the colleges they find that fit them. There are plenty of websites that state the "party schools" the "best schools," etc. Deciding on college is a hard process but once you get there you'll enjoy every bit as long as you make the most out of it. By that you have to socialize with others, because without a social life college can be very boring and mix up many emotions. Social life is basically the key to college, along with time management, which takes a little time, but once you get it down, you're set in the long run.
If you're not sure what you want to major in, pick a school that has a lot of choices. Visit the college to see if it feels right. When you get there make sure you take advantage of the opportunities there, that is, extracurriculars, jobs, professors open doors, and whatever lies outside of your campus.
I think it is important to let your children make their own decisions and own mistakes. I would not fully take the financial responsibility for these decisions but I know through experience that school is that much harder when stressed about money. And make sure you visit campuses; they feel a lot different in person than they look on paper.
Work hard but play harder. College goes so fast. It is truly the best time of your life.