Gannon University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had known how big greek life is on campus because Gannon is somewhat cliquey in this regard.


I wish I would have known more about the financial aid programs that were available to student's who attend Catholic colleges. There are numerous ways to obtain grants and funding without having to take out loans that would have helped put me in a better financial situation than I am currently in.


One thing I wished I would have know better is to organized myself more. Not sure with physical things, but balancing free time and school work.


nothing i think everything was wall planned out. freshamn are babysat a little too much but other than that and the meal plan being dumb it's ok


To get more involved...that's how you will meet most of your friends that do not have the same major as you. The sororities are also a major source of social activities


Rules and policies. What I needed to get done for my major to stay on track...


how to study properly


I wish i would of had a better understanding of how much work college actully is. Gannon is very intense and you have to keep up with yout work or else you might not do as well as you want to here.