George Mason University Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at George Mason University accurate?


From my experiences, I think they describe about half of the student population.


Not at all. I have more fun on weekend than i do during the week, and probably see more people on the weekend than i do anytime during the week.


1. the number of resident students we have compared to other schools in virignia is almost the same however we have more commuter students than those schools which is why the stereotype exists 2. what is the point of diversity if there is no integration.


somewhat, GMU does not seem to reject too many people


Not entirely, though there is plenty of evidence around to both prove and disprove this rumor. As with anywhere, just realize you are going to need to look hard for certain things and blind yourself to others.


The latter, yes.


Mason tends to attract really average people. This is especially true now that basketball is actually something to talk about. Frats are growing and what have you. So to a certain degree I find most people at mason to be pretty average. Not necessarily a bad thing, but... it gets old fast. It's not even all that diverse. People sort of stick to groups based on race.


yes, some younger students don't understand that it isn't high school and this isn't the geeks versus the preps, this is a place of learning, but after you get through the freshmen, the upperclassmen generally aren't as closeminded.


Yes, but it's possible to find your own niche. many students leave on weekends to go home or live at home to begin with.


After living on campus for four years, I believe there is a strong sense of community on campus. Even students that live off campus are often in the JC and other areas, either studying or participating in clubs and organizations. I think people, even some students, underestimate the Mason community.