The fall 2020 acceptance rate for George Mason University is 80%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
College made "real life" more visible. Therefore, I learned what the true value of friend and that my family will be there for me when no one else can. I gained respect for my peers who barely showed struggle and were taking on far harder courses. College has once again, taught me that how to make a friend. Obviously, it has increased my intellectual ability, more than I thought possible in a year. It became apparent that I can still relate to literature even though it was written 100+ years ago. It has taught me that I am soley responsible for myself. Life in college is nice, because I am able to focus on school, friends, and myself. I can better myself, so one day I will better the world.
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Describe the students at your school.
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
The best thing about George Mason is the size of the campus. It is the largest public university on the state of Virginia. However, the one thing I will change is the strictness about parties on campus. When you look at the so called top tier universities on the U.S.A, most them are ranked on some magazines as the "top college parties." Therefore, to be able to gain more admissions we should take this into account. On the other hand, Mason is only a college town for the basketball team. There are a lot of hardworking student-athletes that do not get recognized by the fans,because men's basketball overpowers any other athletic competition.
Read all 136 answers
What are the academics like at your school?
The great majority of my professors are knowledgeable in their subject area, and they do their best to help us suceed. The students are competitive because classes are challenging, and you need to spend time doing homework and preparing for the exams. Class participation is common in most classes because it helps students to better understand the material. My major is Accounting, which is a part of the School of Management. The curriculum before you declare a major is rigorous, but the classes help you build a foundation that will help you advance in your major. The education this school provides equips you with knowledge, which in turn helps you get a job.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
It offers both a BFA in Game Design and a BS in Applied Comupter Science with a concentration in Game Design. It is close enough to my home that I don't have to reside on campus, but it is far enough away from home that staying on campus makes sense. I liked that the campus is compact with instructional buildings in the center of campus and housing was on the perimeter of campus. A car is not needed. There are shuttles to connect you to local shopping centers and regional transit system.
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
There are more that 400 student organizations a student can join. They are subdivided on different categories such as sports, academic clubs, sororities and fraternities, business related clubs and organizations, and cultural groups. When I was a freshman, I was involved with the Chess Club and the Investment Club. Both of them were fun and engaging. Chess Club helped me improve my game, and I met a lot of interesting people in the process. Investment Club helped me learn more about investing and company analysis. George Mason University hosts various events that span from sports games that are very popular to theater performances and interesting educational lectures from the school professors about their own research.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school?
They all got rejected form madison, tech and uva.
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Is the stereotype of students at your school accurate?
I found that I do run into a lot of kids I knew from high school. So yes, I think that statement was a pretty accurate, but I do not see them every day so it is not that typical high school interaction that he was referencing.
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What's unique about your campus?
I love that this school is very innovative, diverse, and near the city. It gives us the opportunity to find activities to do off campus being near Washington Dc itself. The work is tough but it only motivates you to do the best you can.
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
The worst thing I would consider about this school is the cost for out-of-state students, there is little aid for them.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
culturally diverse, not enough pride in the college
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What kind of person should attend this school?
This school, is probably perfect for almost any type of person, because we have the most diverse background out of any college in the Nation. There are so many different clubs and extracuricular activities at Mason, that it is almost impossible not to find something you like. The student body is also extremely friendly, so making friends here is not a problem at all.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
I wish I would have known the amount of work that really goes into doing well and exceeding academically.
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
George Mason University is currently best known for receiving the title of #1 Up and Coming Universities as voted on by peer colleges and U.S. Weekly. The school is going to every effort to make every aspect of the college experience the ultimate best for every student. There are brand new housing units, dining halls and gym facilities as well as a growing accredited amount of professors. The area in which George Mason University is located also has access to some of the best jobs in the country, located right outside of Washington, DC.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
This school is perfect for someone looking for a big campus with lots of diversity. This school is also perfect for the person that wants to be close to a big city, Washington DC, but does want to get caught up in the big city mentality.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
I brag about my favorite professor Dr. BItler and her class.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
So far, the most frustrating thing is that I must connect to the University of Maryland to run code for the computer class I am currently taking. I have to wait several hours before I know the results. This delay impacts my ability to make corrections and ensure the best grade possible for my work.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
The biggest stereotype at George Mason University is that everyone is a commuter and that we are a commuter school This is not true anymore! We are listed as a primary residential school and we have grown significantly since my freshman year. There is new housing going up every year and the school is also renovating the older housing to improve the on campus housing experience for students.
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Why did you decide to go to this school?
I chose to attend George Mason University for several reasons. This school offers a wide range of student organizations and majors. In particular, it has several honor societies for students to join, such as National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society, and Golden Key Honor Society. Also, this school offers free opportunities for students to attend professional opera, dance, and theatre performances at the Center for the Arts. I enjoy going to these events, because there's always something great to watch. Another reason I chose George Mason was its rising reputation in US News rankings. The school recently ranked as a National University and a Up and Coming school. In addition, I chose this school for its great cable lineup and non party school reputation. I like the cable lineup in the dorms a lot, because there's enough channels enjoy. The cable has improved to the point where now HD and digital channels are added. George Mason's non party school reputation allows me to deal with less nonsense and attend a school with a good reputation.
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Describe the dorms.
Having lived in the dorms, I believe they could be much better for the price. The Commons are the worst of all, but they are getting renovated. In fact, when school gets back on in two weeks, all of the people who formerly lived in the old Commons buildings will be moving into brand new ones! It's pretty exciting.
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