George Mason University Top Questions

What should every freshman at George Mason University know before they start?




If I could go back as a high school senior that would be almost 18 years ago I would tell myself that I should of tried a lot harder to research the field of study I wanted to achieve in College. I started off at a four year college which went very bad it was to big and I felt lost. I did not know anyone and I was just a number, no one even knew my name. I would tell my high school self to go to Job fairs and College Fairs to see what I liked and to see what would fill my life with joy. I would also have tried work study programs in different areas so that I would of had a feel for what was interesting to me. I'm satrting all over in life know because my husband is injured and I could not get a job with just a high school Diploma . I see my future more clearly know because I researched what I wanted to study this time.. I will graduate this time and I will be the first one in my family , which will make everyone happy, including myself.


If I could go back to my senior year in high school, I'd tell myself, to go to a college or university like I planned on doing right out of high school that way I would have a career before things "got tough."


I would tell myself to stay in school. Everything else will fall into place if you just give it a chance. When you are young life seems to take so long! Looking back now I have found that I made many crucial decisions in a very short time period which has effected me to this very day that I live in now. It is a proven fact that people with a substancial amount of education live a far much easier life! I am not sayting that the work is any easier, but it proves you have made a decision and an invested in yourself. If I go to lab or a place of research to find a job and have no education or training, the powers that be will just send me away. I would be fortunate to get a custodian job at best. If I apply myself earning an education and internship through studying hard. I should always prevail. Once you stop the whole learning process it is very hard to get back on board. I've worked construction being a plumber by trade, but I am so happy to be back in college workin towards a degree!


Even though I have only been out of high school for only a year I have a ton I would go back and tell myself. The first thing I would tell myself is to not sweat the small stuff! I let the little things stress me out in high school, whether it was boys, softball practice, or too much homework. I would also tell myself to cherish my years of highschool, because I now know that the work I did in highschool does not even compare to college work. Lastly, I would teacher myself to be a better note taker! I was never taught how to take notes, so when I got to college I thought I had to write everything down. Good note taking skills is very important and I wish I knew then what I know now!


If I could rewind time, I would let my former self take advantage of all of the opportunities presented to me during my high school career. For example, I woulf tell myself to take as many advacne placement classes as I am comfortable taking since they can be redeemed for college credit if I score well on my test. Also, I would tell myself to take advantage of the clubs and programs that were offered through the school. Not only do these clubs open up opportunities for making new friends and doing something that you like, it is also a good compliment to a successful resume.


Don't try to sell yourself short. If your afraid that you can't afford college then try and talk to advisors. Atempt at doing your best! Rather do your best! If life hands you lemons then make lemonade. I know that the fear of failing is crippling but don't let that subside your dreams of succeeding. College isn't as fearful as people make it sound. It is easy and with friends its easier. So just go for what you think is right and let time and life do the rest.


I would have told myself to be more outgoing from the start. I was extremely shy before going to college and it took me a long time to open up once I got to college. Being outgoing is key in college - it's the best way to make friends, be involved in class, and get to know your professors.


If I could speak to myself as a high school senior my advice would range from "make sure you checked the no smoking box on your dorm room application" to doing readings before class is vital to your comprehension of what you discuss in class that day. I would tell myself how to keep track of meal plans so that I wouldn't run out halfway through the week. Probably most importantly, there's no need to try so hard to make friends, the right people won't be the ones trying to be the center of attention. I would tell myself that studying a little bit at a time is far more efficent than cramming. Lastly, remember to keep your room and bathroom clean because you never know when your parents will stop by just to see how their "little girl" is doing at college.


First, I would tell myself that its not to worry about fitting in because everyone is making friends at the beginning of freshman year. At the same time, I would tell myself that getting ahead is the easiest the first semester because that is when the majority of other students goof off. I would also warn myself not to take morning class because now that I am the only one motivating myself to wake, it's a lot harder to get out of bed at seven in the morning. This is also not aided by going to parties the day before. The hardest part of college isn't the school work but learning to balance everything out and not stressing out. Once you get that figured out you're good to go and you can enjoy well earned happiness.