George Mason University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about George Mason University?


The parking is not the best.


The lack of unity among all students.


The most frustrating thing about George Mason University is that it is hard to feel a sense of unity at times. There are a lot of commuters that attend here, so campus life can get dull and boring. Especially on the weekends, it is hard to find activities to do or people to hang out with. Nights can also be pretty slow once all the students have gone home for the day. It would be fun if more people stuck around on campus at night or on the weekends!


I do not own a car, but still, the parking is incredibly awful. New parking garages are in the works, so this problem should be fixed within the next year.


Is that sometimes it is hard to figure out what to do about certain things. Like the staff at the school is slightly unhelpful sometimes.


There are not very many options for vegetarians.


It's a big commuter school there is not too much school spirit and the campus is dead on the weekends.


Not having a car. There are so many opportunites around campus, and the bus doesn't always run when you want them to.


The quality and availablity of first year housing. During my first semester here, the dorm was not in the condtion that I expected.


The most frustrating thing about George Mason is that by studying there, you will feel compelled to expand your knowledge by wanting to study all over the world in faraway countries. The problem is that George Mason cannot be in all of these fascinating places at once. You want to go learn, explore and develop into your personal best. Although Mason has an incredible study abroad department, you will probably not be able to financially afford the multiple traveling and studying abroad trips that Mason has inspired you to want to do.