George Mason University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The diversity at my school is amazing. I love how I have friends of different cultures and backgrounds that I can learn from. I find that this will be very helpful in my post-college life. It seems like there is a place for every person here, I could not imagine anyone feeling completely shut off or like an outcast. I can relate with different types of people and I do not feel like I need to fit into some sort of "clique". I feel that I can be myself no matter who I am with here.


The best thing about George Mason University is the open, accepting and motivating environment. I genuinely like coming to school to learn and be around great people and fantastic professors. Because I have such motivating, inspiring professors, I push myself to try harder and do better than I usually would. I am confident to go out into the workforce because of how well GMU has prepared me for my career. I have only wonderful things to say to prospective students because I have had such a great experience here.


I love the diversity at my school! There are so many opportunities to learn and immerse yourself in different cultures. There's even an international student week here at Mason where the university represents all the countries students are from. There are booths all over campus to teach us about the food, clothing, and culture of each country represented here at Mason.


George Mason University is full of many unique stidents and teachers all on their own paths in life. But we are a community of people willing to learn and grow. I love being on campus where I live, go to sport events, do club activites, and I would not want to be anywhere else.


The diversity of the students because you never feel alone.


There is a lot of diversity and there is a club for everyone and everything. All of the students and professors are very accepting of cultural differences.


I enjoy the diversity in my school and how proud each different ethnic group is about their culture. The willingness of these groups to teach others about their culture is truley amazing. Each year groups put on diferent cultural activities and awareness conventions that attract people from all over the world and bring recognition the each diverse culture.


I feel that George Mason University epitomizes diversity. With students and faculty belonging and ranging from nearly all 50 states, as well as, other countries, the culture of George Mason University is almost unrivaled by most colleges and universities. The location and proximity are also very noted worthy characteristics of this school as well. Being located in Fairfax, VA and being only a mere 20 minutes from DC, the internship and employment opportunities are great as well.


It appears to have a diverse population. More people to meet.


The professors are what I consider the best thing about my school. They were alwasy willing to help when I needed it the most During the fall semester of 2010 my microeconomics professor went so far as to going to school on his day off to help with a concept I was having a hard time with.