What GWU students wear varies. Half of the students roll out of bed in their pajamas and some get really dressed up in designer clothing. You can often stop GWU students in business attire, since a lot of us have internships. Although the majority of GWU students are from upper middle class families, GWU's financial aid office offer many scholarships and grands for students who may not be able to pay for the school out of pocket. GWU students are very politically aware which makes sense see we are located in the nations capital. There are many political student organizations on campus.
The great thing about this school is that there is such a variety of students here. The school is (decently) racially diverse, socioeconomically diverse, and accepting of LGBTQ students. It is not uncommon to be walking around campus and hear many different languages, see two girls holding hands, or witness a large variety of clothing.
The stereotypical student at this school for girls is the ugg and legging wearing sorority girl who is rich and does a lot of cocaine. The stereotypical guy wears polo shirts and pastel pants, is in a frat, and can outdrink most students at other schools.
Fortunately, as a lesbian student who prefers to wear sweatpants or jeans to class, I have found that I am completely comfortable walking around campus. Of course there are some people that I don't get along with, but you would find that at most schools.
If there were four tables in the dining hall, they would look like this:
Table 1 would be full of Asian students who are typing furiously on their computers, jammering away in Chinese, and eating J St sushi.
Table 2 would be a group of athletes, all in their GW gear, probably laughing and joking around. Maybe one or two of them are doing homework.
Table 3 is full of girls with long, straight glossy hair that they wear down, new manicures, clothing that seems too nice for class, and all of them are texting on their various colored blackberries.
Table 4 is a couple guys in suits in ties, intently focused on Obama's speech on the dining halls televisions, talking about the latest new in international relations.
The joke about GWU is that it stands for Gay-Double-Jew. There are a lot of gay men and a lot of Jewish people. Most of the students are liberal, but the College Republicans make their voice heard. I would say (from my unofficial poll of my life...) the majority of students are upper middle class to wealthy, from California, New York, New Jersey and New England, Jewish or atheist, very politically aware (if not active) and in-the-know and urban. You don't wear sweats to class, you wear something slightly hipster and fashionable but comfy. You network like crazy, check your e-mail 20 times a day, and are involved either on campus or off. You talk about your future and all the different countries you have been to.
But the great thing about GWU is that no one really cares if you do or do not fit into this mold. There are no cafeteria tables to divide us into cliques (ok, we have one cafeteria-like place but i can't remember the last time i went....we use our meal money to shop at Trader Joe's and Whole Foods). You can be super plugged into the social scene and know all the gossip and stereotypes of Greek life or whatever, or you can just hang with people you met in DC and do your own thing. Whatever. No one cares. This is the real world and while most of GWU IS ambitious, involved, urban and liberal, that is as close as it gets to one type of student (and yes, wealthy-ish and from one of the Coasts...where are the mid-westerners??) This isn't high school with its awkward cliques. This is DC, grow up and be you.
My clasmates brought a great diversity or backgrounds, ethnicities, and political viewpoints, and they were always willing to voice their opinions in a civil manner as well as being open to the opinions of others.
There is no diversity. Everyone is from the same privileged background. People are materialistic. If you don't wear designer clothes, you will be shunned.
My classmates are focused, politically active, and sometimes snobby people.
SOOOOOOOOO Greek. So greek. It's basically a frat party going on or a party for a the basketball team - yes, even when it's not basketball season.
GW is a school of political activism. Almost everyone I know is either in the College Democrats or the College Republicans or some other political group. If you are interested in politics and government, then you will certainly find yourself among like-minded classmates. GW students are passionately driven about their country and its government. The most popular guest speakers are always political figures, and GW students are always waiting in long lines to hear them.
Your classmates at GW will either be kids paying full price who are more rich and attractive than you could ever be, or normal, real personalities who can only afford GW because they're getting serious financial aid.
A lot of rich kids from New York and New Jersey and a lot of international students.