George Washington University Top Questions

Describe the students at George Washington University.


Jewish. Mostly from new jersey and long island.


The student body tends to click together depending on what brings them together. Most students come from affluent backgrounds and do not have toruble finding money to spend. College Democrats and College Republicans are the largest social groups on campus as most students tend to be very involved in politics.




Fairly diverse but not much intermingling. Greek system is fairly isolated but the shit.


The student body is very socially polarized. There are the kids who go out all the time, who are not very active with campus life. There are also the kids who are active on campus, but socially they click together. I feel that the wealthy students for the most part flaunt it, and the non-wealthy resent it and are for the most part bitter.


The student body is relatively well rounded, with a plethora of student orgs and resources. The only piece that tends to stick out is the socio economic status of many of the students. Because most of the population is from outside of DC and because DC is so expencive to live in and operate a school in, there tends to be a type of natural selection that occurs in that realm. Other than that, the only other negative I can think of is a lack of school spirit, but that is to be expected in this type of environment. The student body is very politically active, with the best College Democrats and College Republicans on any campus.


Very diverse student body. Everyone can find his/her place with a little looking.


I feel like people at GW are either international students, smart kids who are here on scholarship, or rich kids from expensive private schools. Who can actually pay the tuition.


The student body needs some reform. A good portion of students are here just to have fun and forget the importance of academics. The school needs more history and alumni to develop a better name for the university.


GW's student body is very diverse despite the claims that it's all spoiled rich kids from the north east. GW's students are the most politically active in the country and tend to lean towards the left. A lot of students are from the northeast but there are students from all over.