George Washington University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at George Washington University?


All students are from New Jersey and Long Island. All students want to be politicians


Rich and Snobby


Not as smart as Georgetown / Georgetown rejects


Rich, Jappy, Georgetown waitlist, Motivated, Political


That they are rich and jewish


That they are wealthy and Jewish. There is also a stereotype that they bought their way into GW and that not only are they not qualified enough to even come here, but they are so under qualified that their money couldn't buy them into somewhere better.


Rich, Jappy, Blackberry loving, Coke heads


Rich, snobby, spoiled, most guys are gay, the rest of the guys are unattractive but have huge egos, girls are very attractive but date unattractive guys because that is all that is available.


One Stereotype about GW is that it is run like a business and not a university, and that it will screw over its students to save a dollar. Stereotypes about gw students - they are rich, spoiled kids from long island and new york city. They have had everything handed to them in their lives. Another stereotype is that everyone is jewish.


GW Students as a whole are considered wealthier than the average student. This may be because they are able to afford our unprecedentedly high tuition rates.