George Washington University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at George Washington University?


Rich, Jewish, gay guys


G.W. is said to be overpriced and in some cases it is when considering some facilities and national ranking. Nonetheless, G.W. is a great school for intelligent and open minded people and most students are those people. You will meet your pervasively annoying Long Island guidos, your arrogant JAPs, and of course your stupid people who you wonder why they are here.


The main stereotype is that GW students are from the northeast, wealthy, and obnoxiously jappy. This is reinforced by GW's high tuition and accessibility to Long Island transportation hubs.


Everyone is rich, all Kappas do cocaine, everything has to do with politics


Some stereotypes are, but are not limited to: there are a lot of rich people, a lot of snobby people, and lots of cliques between different groups.


The school is sometimes considered a watered-down Georgetown. The students are stereotyped as spoiled and rich.


Some stereotypes are that all kids at gwu have a lot of money


that a lot of the students are jewish, wealthy, and often times referred to as JAPs(jewish american princesses). the other half are international or really into politics.


GW students stereotypically are considered to be extremely well off.


The stereotypical GW student is very wealthy, jewish and from New York or New Jersey. GW students are stereotyped as obnoxious, loud and overly fashion conscious. They are considered superficial.