George Washington University Top Questions

What should every freshman at George Washington University know before they start?


There are so many factors that go into finding a perfect college to allow a student to succeed socially, personally, acedemically and professionally. Counselors, coaches, parents, money, friends, and location all play undeniable important parts in encouraging some choices while discouraging or exiling others. However, at the heart of the matter I think it is most important for the student to be able to look at the school and be proud and excited to be able to be a part of everything it has to offer, keeping in mind that if he or she choses to attend, their lives will be transformed by the time that is spent there, by the people that they meet (both for social support and professional enhancement) and the activitied that they devote themselves to.


In order to make the right choice in choosing a college you have to feel comfortable with the places and people you visit. Everyone wants the school that is academically excellent and well established, but if a school leaves you feeling unsure about you would fit in, dont choose it. At the end of the day you could be attending a school with an awesome reputation, but if you dont feel happy with the good school you now attend that reputation and academic excellence could hold no meaning to you any longer. My advice is to visit every school you think you want to attend and make sure they have everything you are looking for. But, most important of all, after you have narrowed down your list of schools you think you may like is that you feel that the college you want to apply to can be a place you can truly call a home away from home.


Make sure to go and visit the school. If possible visit twice; once when the weather is pleasant and once when it is less so.


Finding the right college is largely about asking a lot of questions. Don't just ask questions to confirm what you've heard that you liked about the school. Ask about the things that matter to you, especially the things pertaining to your heritage, political and religious views and your home life. I have found that it is not difficult to find new experiences during college but even on the most diverse campus it can be hard to find something that feels familiar. A key to adjusting to the college lifestyle is to not totally abandon what you already know for the new ideas you'll be exposed to while in college. Certainly, it is important to broaden your horizons and meet new people and do different things, but it is just as important to find people who share the ideas you already have. By doing this you allow old ideas to be maintained and to develop, and you have a way to compare and evaluate the new ideas you come across. Both are necessary and both are good, so it is important when looking at a school to find out that it has opportunities for new and old ideas.


When choosing a college, students should evaluate two things- who they are and what they want. Knowing who you are helps you know what college you would truly enjoy attending and how well you would do there. Moreover, knowing what you want will direct you in choosing your future lifestyle. What schools have the best programs in a field you want? Do you want to love in a city, a suburb, or the country? These are the questions that students should ask. Parents should set realistic expectations for students with regards to how much they are prepared to contribute financially to their education. Furthermore, parents shoudl encourage students to explore their options and look at as many colleges as possible. Most importantly, parents should support their children in whatever decision they make because choosing a college is one of the most terrifing decisions in a young adult's life.


Visit the campus! Duh!


The person you are when you leave college - in all likelihood - will be dramatically different from the person you were when you started. In choosing the right school for you, really think about your personal attributes and interests that you would like to nurture - are you well rounded, a people person, ambitious, a sophisticate? The answer to that question should match up with your ideal school. If you have gravitated towards a school that really only looks good on paper and does not match with who you are as a person, you will be making a big mistake. Once you've found that perfect place, hit the ground running. It may sound trite, but do not just slide into school without a plan about what extra-curricular activities you want to pursue, what internships you might like to have, and sketch of that all important four year course plan. It is not an easy thing to do, yet if you at least make an attempt at foresight you will be left with fewer regrets when you are a senior. Best of luck.


The most important advice I could give to students in the process of making decisions about their college experience is this: be honest with yourself. As you consider your different options, don't choose a school that you think would make others happy, choose the school that is the best for you socially, culturally, geoographically and above all, academically. Not only will you be a much happier college student, I'm confident that you'll be a more successful one too.


Listen to your heart and go with the one that feels right.


Visit the school, talk to advisors, ask about flexibility of majors, and research the surrounding area!