George Washington University Top Questions

What should every freshman at George Washington University know before they start?


If I could talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself not to be anxious about transitioning to college, and that I would quickly find friends and enjoy the courses. I would tell myself to not worry so much about grades and to take the courses that I would be really interested in and to enjoy it. I’d let myself know, that looking back my favorite courses will be the ones that were unique and will expand my view on the world and on history. I would advise myself to get out of my comfort shell and do the things I thought would be interesting, go to events or join the clubs I thought would be fun. The most important thing to do in college is to put yourself out there, because college is the place to grow personally and intellectually. Above all, I would tell myself to have fun and that college is a once in a lifetime opportunity.


First off, take a deep breath. What ever college you end up attending, you will be happy. Everything happens for a reason and you will make the best of it. Secondly, Take advantage of everthing the college has to offer. You go to school to learn, so if you don't understand something or need help, don't be scared to ask for help. I promise you that you won't look dumb, it is why you are at college. Lastly, college is all about finding yourself, so don't forget to try new things and talk to people you may not have talked to in high school. Go out and join clubs and be apart of soemthing that is bigger than you. Also, enjoy yourself. You have the rest of your life to worry, don't forget to have a little fun here and there.


The best thing I have gotten out of my college experience has been the opportunity to study abroad. I am currently spending the year studying in Buenos Aires, Argentina thanks to George Washington University and the study abroad program. I am now enjoying classes with other likeminded students with my major of international affairs. It has been the best experience for my self personally, and my future because I am learning how to communicate in another language and cooperate with other global citizens. I cannot be more thankful for the opportunity to be a student in another country.


The opportunity to explore and work on real life problems, conduct research and make meaning contributions to the community at and around GW.


Affirmation. I have been extremely lucky in knowing exactly what I wanted to do with my life at the age of eight. Though, to many, even those closest to me, my dreams seemed far to lofty for a small town girl, and falling ill during my high school years seemed to more fully cement their small opinion of my potential. Going to this school, learning what I learn each day from the remarkable professors that I have, is an affirmation to me that by the time I graduate I will hold all the tools I need to make my dream my life. There is no wasted space, no wasted moment all things are pertinent here. Every time I go to class, write a paper, attend discussion, meet with my professors, I am preparing myself for the future that a eight year old girl living in a small town decided she wanted.


Community. Though I was at an institution that had a small African American community, you would never notice it. The school did a great job in hiring administrators for and supporting the Multicultural Student Services Center (MSSC). I attribute a lot of my success and happiness to the MSSC I probably would not have enjoyed my college experience. The average GW student is ambitious but even the most ambitious people need to be nurtured at times. For me the MSSC provided me a place where I could be nurtured. In addition, it also opened me up to the different learning and extra curricular opportunities within the school. At the MSSC I felt welcomed and encouraged which made me feel comfortable seeking them with questions or concerns. The greatest testament of the effectiveness if the MSSC was the inaugural Black Senior Celebration. This additional senior event was an idea that was born from me though collaboration and inspiration from the MSSC. George Washington was a valuable experience because of the MSSC. With this auxiliary I expanded my mind, attended more of my potential and had enjoyed every step of the way.


My first-year college experience taught me the ins and outs of living in a city, as well as good problem-solving skills when dealing with university-scale administration and a demanding roommate. Being in a school where the vast majority of students were studying political science and international affairs also helped me realize that I want to focus on the humanities and performing arts, leading to my decision to transfer. However, this past year was definitely not a waste. I loved living in a huge, diverse community in the nation's capitol, and I loved living in a residence hall as well. My year at The George Washington University has been academically and intellectually stimulating for me, although I will be enjoying the remainder of my college career at a different school.


I have gotten so much out of college! Through my college experience, I have learned how to balance school, work, volunteer work, and a social life. Not only have I learned how to manage my time, but I have also come to love school. I enjoy going to my classes and especially the ones that have to do with my major! I love learning about real world situations so when I graduate with a Bachelor's in Accounting I have knowledge about what accountants do on a daily basis and problems they may face. College has been extremely valuable to attend because without an education, it becomes hard to find a job. In addition, with a college education, it will make my life that much better because I have skills that are needed and I will not have to be worried about what I can fall back on. Lastly, attending college has been such a great opportunity for me to grow as a person and learn about myself and what I want out of life.


My college experience has been a dynamic, constant learning process that has helped me determine who I really am. Especially at GWU, I constantly interact with hundreds of extremely diverse students with interesting and exciting backgrounds, interests, and accomplishments. I am forced to distinguish myself from the mass of other students by discovering and assuming my unique identity. This ongoing process has helped me discover some of my interests and passions, but also what I dislike. Furthermore, as I further discover my self-identity, college has forced me to experiment and explore different activities and opportunities that I never knew about. By stepping out of my comfort level, I have in fact enlarged my level of comfort with people, situations, and places. College has truly given me the freedom to extend my circle of friends, network with alumni and students, and investiage future opportunities pertaining to my career goals. Thus, college has been an extremely valuable experience in not only getting to know myself better, but also becoming intellectually stimulated to learn about an array of academic subjects, people, organizations, and opportunities.


You come to an educational experience not really knowing what to expect. The success of an educational experience is having to look back and see that you have matured in the process, have a clearer perspective on your life-goals and a definite plan of action for your future pursuits. A certain confidence from having pleased your supervisors in your coursework gives you that air of a success waitng to happen that employers and recruiters cannot resist.