Georgetown University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The prospective carrear ahead of a graduate and the alumnai connections.


the connections you make with either incredibly intelligent or incredibly well connected students. mostly the quality of the student body as driven and intelligent. additionally, the teachers are generally of high quality though about 1 out of every 10 classes has a teacher that is dumber than a third of the students in class


The people because they are so open, smart, and caring.


Georgetown has something for everyone. Whether you're a jock or a hipster or a political junkie, you'll find a social group that works for you. Don't let anyone tell you Georgetown is anything but what you see yourself. People love to pigeon-hole us.


I love the experience.


The location has everything; bars, museums, monuments, parks, and great restaurants.


Proximity to Washington, DC and opportunities on campus.


I consider the best thing about Georgetown is how excellent it is in so many diverse fields. You can change your majors with ease because you do not have to worry about the quality of education offered in other fields of interest. It is an excellent academics school although most students are down to earth and willing to help in tough courses. Georgetown is a community that is always proud to do good for the university and its students. Alumni are extremely helpful and are willing to always help regarding jobs and counseling.


The diversity of students is nice because I think college would be a lot less interesting if I was surrounded by people who have everything in common.


The openness to new ideas. Everyone has a different view, and at Georgetown, students and professors are encouraged to express their views and learn about the views of others.