Founded in 1789, Georgetown University. is a Private college. Located in District of Columbia, which is a city setting in District of Columbia, the campus itself is Urban. The campus is home to 7,453 full time undergraduate students, and 11,072 full time graduate students.
The Georgetown University Academic calendar runs on a Semester basis. In the school year the student to faculty ratio was 11:1. There are 988 full time instructional teachers. Degrees awarded at Georgetown University include: Bachelor's Degree, Masters Degree, Post-master's certificate, Doctor's degree.
Quick Facts
Acceptance Rate
Application Deadline
Application Fee
SAT Range
ACT Range
Admissions at are considered Most Selective, with ,54% of all applicants being admitted.
In the school year, of the students who applied to the school, only 8 of those who were admitted eventually ended up enrolling.
99% of incoming freshmen are in the top half of their high school class. 97% were in the top quarter, and 90% were in the top tenth. You can apply online.
We asked, and students answered these important questions about student life at Georgetown University.
“We”re apathetic”
“We know about current events and vote”
“We participate and encourage others to get involved”
“There”s nothing we won”t protest”
“We save it for the classroom”
“Sometimes, but not often”
“There”s usually intelligent conversation to be found”
“All the time, including weekends”
“I”m always terrified”
“I only go out in groups”
“I usually let someone know where I”m going”
“I feel extremely safe”
“We don”t play sports”
“We play recreationally”
“We bought the gear”
“We live for the big game”
“It”s not really our thing”
“Occasinally we gallery crawl”
“There are a variety of opportunities”
“We”re a very artistic group”
“Haven”t met them”
“Available in class”
“They keep regular office hours”
“They”re always available”
“No greek life, but other groups to join”
“There is some involvement, but not a lot”
“Plenty of people join a sorority or fraternity”
“It”s everything. If you”re not greek, you”re a geek”
111 Students rated on-campus housing 3.3 stars. 9 % gave the school a 5.0.
How would you rate off-campus housing?
99 Students rated off-campus housing 2.7 stars. 0 % gave the school a 5.0.
How would you rate campus food?
115 Students rated campus food 2.8 stars. 9 % gave the school a 5.0.
How would you rate campus facilities?
114 Students rated campus facilities 3.6 stars. 14 % gave the school a 5.0.
How would you rate class size?
114 Students rated class size 4.2 stars. 43 % gave the school a 5.0.
How would you rate school activities?
114 Students rated school activities 4.2 stars. 47 % gave the school a 5.0.
How would you rate local services?
115 Students rated local services 4.1 stars. 45 % gave the school a 5.0.
How would you rate academics?
114 Students rated academics 4.1 stars. 40 % gave the school a 5.0.
Georgetown University REVIEWS
What's your overall opinion of Georgetown University?
27 Students rated Georgetown University
Madeleine - 04/26/2024
Georgetown was absolutely beautiful. It is located in the amazing city of DC which is an enormous advantage to any students who may want to study Law or government or anything of the sort. The people all seemed very nice although some students say there is a competitive atmosphere .
Hector - 10/12/2020
Great institution and message about serving others! The professors are great and invested in their students' success inside and outside the classroom. I am proud to be a Georgetown Hoya and I am happy to see other alumni do great things in this world.
Dahlia - 05/16/2020
There is no better school to attend if you want the perfect intersection of politics, city life, and a university atmosphere. The campus itself is beautiful, and its location is unparalleled. You can see the Washington Monument from the dorms, and can reach downtown via walking, skating, or taking one of the free buses. Because we are in the nation's capital, political events are common and political figures often visit campus. Many students are passionate about politics. The student body is growing more and more diverse, and will hopefully that trend will continue. The campus is very safe and easy to navigate. However, it isn't very accessible to handicapped students. Furthermore, the dining hall is pretty, but the food isn't always super tasty in the main dining hall. Luckily, we have other on-campus options and many restaurants around campus.
My favorite part about Georgetown is that it is a relatively small school. As a result, you will often see your friends somewhere around campus, and it's very hard to get lost. Also, most of the classes (other than the freshman intro classes) are quite small, so professors are easy to access and contact.
Nadine - 04/01/2020
Overall, I like Georgetown University. There is more diversity within students than in other colleges that I have been in. What I also like about Georgetown University is that there are many opportunities for students, inside and outside the classroom.
Madison - 07/20/2019
Georgetown can definitely have a toxic, high-stress culture, and coming from the west coast, I was definitely not prepared for the east coast preppy-ness. It also surprises me that for a school with a student body drenched in wealth, they do a very poor job of maintaining the facilities and financial aid for middle class students is terrible. That being said, the school has its perks and comes with some amazing opportunities, so it's really up to you to decide if its worth it.
Jennifer - 07/07/2019
Georgetown University provides not only academic rigor, but has a reputation to uphold as it is one of the oldest and most renown universities. Therefore, being a student at this university pushes me beyond my normal academic limits to mold me into a better student and one day, a better physician. I believe Georgetown University will provide the most opportunistic environment to fulfill my dream of becoming a medical doctor.
Rahul - 06/20/2019
My overall opinion of Georgetown University is positive. It's an institution that has numerous opportunities, especially with access to the heart of the capital of the United States. The alumni access is impeccable, and the assistance after graduation is something that I expect to be exceptional. Once a Hoya, always a Hoya.
Catherine - 06/14/2019
Despite the amount of money Georgetown has, the facilities are a little dated and often are not up to a good standard. The food is also decent. However, it's the academics and student life that is really attractive about the university. That's what has drawn me to the school and kept me there.
Cathilyn - 05/19/2019
I believe Georgetown has something for everyone wether it be academic, athletic, or club activities. The classes here are very small meaning that you are a receiving a more personalized education. The professors here are also very understanding of students' life outside of the classroom and are very flexible. We may not have the flashiest facilities, but I think that is what makes it fun. The University's location allows its students to have a substantial amount of opportunities for just about anything: study abroad, job opportunities, forming connections, and more. Additionally, there is a very strong connection with Georgetown alumni which opens the door for even more opportunities. Being in the nation's capital means that there is always something to do around campus, as well.
Connor - 11/09/2018
Ok so here's the deal.
Academically I wouldn't have traded Georgetown for almost anywhere else. The caliber of students is incredible, and the diversity of backgrounds can lead to some incredibly productive conversations. The teachers are generally good, but can vary widely. There is space on this campus for everyone. THAT BEING SAID... I'm really writing this review to address some cultural issues which I believe students should be aware of. 1st: Georgetown is stingy. I mean really stingy. The dorms consistently have mold and water damage - there isn't a single person here who doesn't know at least one person who has had to move out of their dorm for a period of time due to latent maintenance issues. The buildings are (generally) extremely poorly maintained. 2nd: Georgetown is absolutely horrible when it comes to handling issues of SEXUAL ASSAULT and MINORITY RIGHTS (putting these in caps so hopefully people stop to read the review and are made aware of the issue). I'm not a super liberal person. I'm pretty centrist actually, and I'm not an activist (not that those are bad things) on many things myself. That being said, I just have to lament the sad state of things when it comes to CREATING A SAFE ENVIRONMENT for women especially but people in general. Women have been raped here. A friend of mine was raped. I was a witness for her Title IX investigation and throughout the process Georgetown was nothing but difficult and insensitive. The statistics themselves are shocking. 1/4 women who finish a four year degree here have been sexually assaulted at some point, yet between 2014-2017 only 14 hearings were held. Think about that. This is an institutional issue here, and one every student (male or female) should be aware of before coming here. In conclusion: If you're interested in Georgetown, know that it IS an amazing academic school! Professors do care about you, and your peers are generally incredibly awesome people - but know there are drawbacks, and serious ones. Sorry if this came off too hard, but I just think more people need to know what exists beyond the tour guides and sunny brochure photos.
Eliana - 10/01/2018
The campus is very beautiful and although the architecture of the facilities are old, the inside is continuously renovated. There are many options for on- and off-campus housing, which is great for students who live out of state. Although the food in the cafeteria can be improved, there are many affordable places to eat within and outside of campus. The campus lifestyle balances the rigor of academics very well.
Daniela - 09/21/2018
I am surprised every single day by the largely diverse population and interests of the students at this University. I do wish that there were better Facilities and Management teams, they often take a while to respond to urgent needs such as mold and AC problems. Besides that, I am happy with my living situation and the convenience of having a small campus. All of my classes have demanded that I be the best student that I can be and I love the way that I am challenging intellectually by both my professors and peers. I have grown as a human being since being on this campus and I could not be happier to call myself a Hoya.
aj - 07/12/2018
My overall experience at Georgetown has been positive. Professors/TAs have incredibly high standards in academic performance. There were a few classes that consider a 93% a B+. Smaller classes can get competitive. You see a lot of homeless people sleep in the library study rooms during the winter. They should have the social worker there to help them out. I always feel bad when I see GUPD kick them out. LAU 2nd floor is a hormone-filled circus no studying is accomplished there. Everyone socially and politically wants to move mountains, and I am always surprised by where that attitude takes them.
Kayla - 03/25/2018
Georgetown University is filled with many amazing students and faculty. There is easy some resource that is available to you if you are in need of self-care or just simply someone to talk to. The only cons are the old buildings offered for housing, and the lack of funding to fix these facilities permanently. Our elevators in some dorms go out at least once a month. Another con is the cost of attendance, but I'm sure that is the same case for many other Universities. I can honestly say that Georgetown tries to help us overcome this through financial aid. They'll attempt to pay for all of the tuition with their scholarship program and student loans, which leaves students having to only pay for housing and food plans as needed.
Rainah - 01/23/2018
Georgetown University is a great institution. It is quite pricey, but for the most part, you do get your money's worth. The campus is very collaborative despite its initial intimidating appearance. I am a first-year, and am happy to say that I look forward to the coming years.
The fall 2020 acceptance rate for Georgetown University is 16%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
Georgetown University has opened more windows than I could ever imagine and so far my experience has been beyond what I expected. College in general is a time to ignite your passions and figure out what makes you excited. I love the field of health care and law and Georgetown makes me excited to study that, learning from the top professors in the field. What's even more exciting is that every person you meet in college, be it a friend, classmate, or teacher, has a unique story to tell. It's the time spent talking and getting to know each other that has been the most valuable and most positive learning experience. I would have never met such interesting people back home and now I have to opportunity to know people from the opposite coast, all the way to Dubai, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. I'm so grateful that I am fortunate to attend such a university with diverse people that you can learn a new culture or hear various experiences different from your own. College is valuable in the aspect that you learn from yours as well as others' experiences. I'll never get this opportunity again!
Georgetown is undeniably a lot of work. Students study a lot, but the majority of people find a good balance between school, a social life, and extracurriculars. Georgetown is a liberal arts institution, so there are certain course requirements that all students have to take--such as theology, philosophy/ethics, history, english, and science/math--but there's a large variety of choice within each department. Class size depends on your major field, but they tend to be on the smaller side. In my experience, professors emphasize learning for its own sake, but usually connect the material to the "real world."
Best thing about Georgetown is its positioning as a college campus with access to DC. That being said, one thing I would change is to increase our access to DC even more with more bus routes to downtown or by having a metro stop closer to campus, but that will likely never happen given the stance of Georgetown residents.
The school is a good size with a good reputation. If you tell a peer that you go to Georgetown, he or she may just nod and ignore, but if you tell someone beyond college (e.g. future employer?) you go to Georgetown, then a compliment will most likely ensue.
There is a great amount of school pride, especially during basketball season.
What are the most popular student activities/groups?
Georgetown recently began this program called What's After Dark that provides the opportunity for Georgetown students to engage in fun night time activities that do not focus on drinking. Definitely a plus!
What is the stereotype of students at your school?
To folks who grew up in DC, Georgetown is an isolated haven for wealthy white kids and the children of foreign elites. They see Georgetown students as virtually unaware of the city beyond the Georgetown neighborhood, nestled in the wealthy white northwest quadrant of DC. Others assume GU is characterized by socially conservative Catholicism, full of sexually ignorant straight-laced heterosexuals.
What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
Honestly, I cannot think of anything negative about Georgetown. I enjoyed my four years at school and time flew by so fast. I guess because it was such a wonderful experience and made time fly by so fast, so that would be my most negative thing to say about the school; not a long enough stay. I wish time would have slowed down to enjoy it more and also to finish sightseeing around the area. I was there four years and still have places to visit. Hopefully soon I will be back in that area for medical school.
Is the stereotype of students at your school accurate?
There is some presence of prep on campus, but for the most part it is only reflected in the clothing and not the personalities.
The school is very international. Since I've been here for two and a half years now, it no longer surprises me to walk through the library and hear groups conversing in languages I don't understand.
Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
Georgetown's location in Washington, DC is in my opinion one of its biggest strengths. Not only does it provide an incredible number of internship and job opportunities, especially for those interested in politics, it also is just a wonderful and exciting place to live. DC is not too overwhelming a city, and the area of Georgetown itself is beautiful and relatively calm. Another thing that I think is unique to Georgetown is the amount of school spirit that can be found among all Hoyas -- current students and alumni alike. Alumni seem willing to help current students however possible!
What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
Georgetown University works extremely hard to find a wide range of students with a wide range of interests. They come from different backgrounds, states, countries, activities, and interests. If there was one commonality among all students attending, it would probably be their ambition and passion. Georgetown students are stereotyped as poli sci junkies heading for an internship of the Hilltop, but this definitely does not describe the majority of students.
What kind of person should not attend this school?
Georgetown University is imbued with multicultural exchange and understanding. Our diverse community constantly empowers students to be open-minded and to even challenge their own viewpoints. An individual who is unwilling to accept and appreciate diversity, and to examine opposing perspectives would most likely have difficulty adjusting to such an environment. However, because Georgetown values every individual, there is not a “kind of person who shouldn’t attend this school.” All are welcome and encouraged to apply. A Georgetown University education will gradually shape the scholar to finding and then leaving and traveling beyond her or his comfort zone.
What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
I wish I had known about the pre-college summer programs that they offer here. I would have definitely signed up for a few of them related to international relations or the summer in washington program.
There is no such thing as a "standard Georgetown student." The only uniting factor among students here is a drive to succeed and academically intelligent. Often, any given student seems to fit into a specific stereotype but actually participates in activities that completely shatter that stereotype. For example, a football player who sings in an a cappella group, or a lacrosse player that can also tap dance.
What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
I brag about the unique experiences I have that can only come from living in D.C. This includes walking to the monuments, going to the Library of Congress, and attending presentations at the National Geographic Society.
A TON of Hoya spirit. One thing everyone has in common is an intense love of Georgetown. If you are a Debby Downer and hate on the school then you'll probably have some issues.
All students must apply yearly for financial aid. This process starts with the FAFSA.
Though financial aid deadlines vary by school, it is a good idea to apply as soon as possible. For the upcoming school year, you can apply as early as October 1 for the FAFSA. Additional school aid will be dependent on the FAFSA results.
53% of students attending Georgetown University receive some sort of financial aid.
13% were awarded federal grants.26%received federal loans. Many students do also need to apply for additional private student loans.