About Trinity Washington University

Founded in 1897, Trinity Washington University. is a Private college. Located in District of Columbia, which is a city setting in District of Columbia, the campus itself is Urban. The campus is home to 1,563 full time undergraduate students, and 505 full time graduate students.

The Trinity Washington University Academic calendar runs on a Semester basis. In the school year the student to faculty ratio was 12:1. There are 67 full time instructional teachers. Degrees awarded at Trinity Washington University include: Bachelor's Degree, Masters Degree, Post-master's certificate, Doctor's degree.

Quick Facts

Acceptance Rate88%
Application Deadline
Application Fee0
SAT Range
ACT Range

Admissions at are considered Less Selective, with ,6% of all applicants being admitted.

In the school year, of the students who applied to the school, only 29 of those who were admitted eventually ended up enrolling.

0% of incoming freshmen are in the top half of their high school class. 0% were in the top quarter, and 0% were in the top tenth. You can apply online.


We asked, and students answered these important questions about student life at Trinity Washington University.

“We”re apathetic”
“We know about current events and vote”
“We participate and encourage others to get involved”
“There”s nothing we won”t protest”
“We save it for the classroom”
“Sometimes, but not often”
“There”s usually intelligent conversation to be found”
“All the time, including weekends”
“I”m always terrified”
“I only go out in groups”
“I usually let someone know where I”m going”
“I feel extremely safe”
“We don”t play sports”
“We play recreationally”
“We bought the gear”
“We live for the big game”
“It”s not really our thing”
“Occasinally we gallery crawl”
“There are a variety of opportunities”
“We”re a very artistic group”
“Haven”t met them”
“Available in class”
“They keep regular office hours”
“They”re always available”
“No greek life, but other groups to join”
“There is some involvement, but not a lot”
“Plenty of people join a sorority or fraternity”
“It”s everything. If you”re not greek, you”re a geek”
“We”re not into drinking at all”
“Maybe a little, but it”s not a big thing”
“We only party on weekends”
“There”s some drinking happening every night”
“Never, we”re here to learn”
“There might be people who do”
“People are known to partake on weekends”
“There”s a huge drug scene”
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  • How would you rate on-campus housing?

    33 Students rated on-campus housing 3.1 stars. 3 % gave the school a 5.0.

  • How would you rate off-campus housing?

    24 Students rated off-campus housing 3 stars. 0 % gave the school a 5.0.

  • How would you rate campus food?

    35 Students rated campus food 3 stars. 17 % gave the school a 5.0.

  • How would you rate campus facilities?

    37 Students rated campus facilities 3.8 stars. 32 % gave the school a 5.0.

  • How would you rate class size?

    37 Students rated class size 4.7 stars. 78 % gave the school a 5.0.

  • How would you rate school activities?

    35 Students rated school activities 3.3 stars. 17 % gave the school a 5.0.

  • How would you rate local services?

    35 Students rated local services 3.7 stars. 26 % gave the school a 5.0.

  • How would you rate academics?

    37 Students rated academics 4.4 stars. 59 % gave the school a 5.0.

Trinity Washington University REVIEWS

What's your overall opinion of Trinity Washington University?

16 Students rated Trinity Washington University

Nikolay - 07/29/2020

I love it! I couldn’t ask for a better school to go to and better people to surround myself with. All the staff and teachers are very very nice and I am grateful for The help And The advice that they give the students and I really like how accessible they are at all times.

dorcas - 11/19/2019

I love Trinity because the school is full of love and caring. Teachers know their students after a week of class, teachers are very much available to help their students. Everything about it is just what I was looking for in a college. Students help each other succeed, Advisors are just wonderful helping students making for sure that they are taking the right class and are on the right path for their major.

zaza - 09/24/2019

I wish I never came to this school. This school sucks really bad the foundation professor Barkley is the worst professor in the whole world. She can't teach and literally talks about irrelevant things that have nothing to do with the class. You are better off going to a different school. They only have 5 people graduating this year and I didn't even find that out until I started the program at this school. The professors for Pharmacology she's a good but for health assessment and foundation good luck!

Jasmy - 06/29/2019

Trinity Washington University is a good school. Academically, I receive the help needed by my professors, many times they help arrange office hours around the student schedule. On campus there are various of places to study and get homework done. Student life isn't much, there is barely much to do.

Lashon - 05/03/2019

Trinity is good in understanding the needs of their students. Like all colleges, they are not perfect but they are here for the students. I am not on campus, but they need to work on campus housing from what I hear from my peers. Overall, Trinity is great.

Asia - 11/16/2018

I think Trinity Washington University has a lot of potential, but with the President not allowing us to do certain activities or even have a Greek life, it really holds the school back. Also, they keep grasser cleaner then they do the dorms. The building are old and need remodeling and maybe more people would come here.

Jennifer - 11/01/2018

I really love the school because it’s affordable.

Joana - 09/14/2018

Trinity is a great opportunity to continue learning and open news doors to great achievements. Professors and staff are a huge support to all student in any circumstances. At trinity we work as a unit, the main focus is to feel united and achieve all we can. Classes are average small allowing a lot of one to one communication which is one of the best way to gain relationships with one another. TRINITY WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IS THE BEST.

Michelle - 08/20/2018

Trinity Washington university has the best teachers. They are always planing interesting lessons. The teachers give out a good amount of extra credit, they don't want use to fail. They push us because they know we can do it. Also this campus is very open and there is always something to do.

Nicole - 07/08/2018

The staff is extremely rude and they do not care about the students especially when a teacher was racist towards me the school did nothing about it. The support system with tutoring needs a lot of improvement which is the main reason why I'm transferring.

Kiere - 06/28/2018

Trinity Washington University is a great college who wanted to see all students be successful and exceed . Also, the professor and student are very helpful when asking for help. Next, there are many different opportunity and resources for students to be successful.

Zyara - 05/08/2018

Overall Trinity is very small, the nursing program is very inspirational. I have not really experience the full tour around Trinity but my plans are to join the nursing program, and hopefully Trinity would have me and show me that it's not a bad place to be at and eventually graduate from college. Three areas of my life I want to focus most are to work hard, stay happy and healthy, but also continue to be a productive person.

Andrea Escarlet - 10/03/2017

My general opinion about trinity is that they give us a lot of help and they always support us, in the sport we all support ourselves. Their teachers are good because to any doubt they are there to clarify it. Trinity Washington University is very good.

Alyssa - 08/29/2017

I believe the Trinity Washington University is a good academic school. It's just that what we are paying for is not what we are getting. Room and Broad are the most expensive things here and both of them are trash. In most rooms everything doesn't work or it's missing and the bath are so old. The food they serve is terrible. Some students are vegan and can't eat half the things in there and are paying for 19 meals a week.

Layla - 04/22/2017

The school is small which is fine. I just wish there was more involvement on campus and more actual things to do on campus. This school doesn't feel like a college at all, mainly due to lack of extracurricular activities. The food is really bad, it has its ups and downs.

Trinity Washington University FAQS

  1. What is the Acceptance Rate at Trinity Washington University?

    The fall 2020 acceptance rate for Trinity Washington University is 88%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.

  2. What should every freshman at your school know before they start?

    Going back as a high school senior I would give myself three advices confidence, money, and vision. I've learned all three being a college student now but many times I wish that I could go back and learned them in high school so that I could advance in college. As a senior being confident would have been key to the idea of college. I would know that I am smart and know that I could go to college and do well. If I were confident as a senior then I would not be afraid of apply to different colleges around the United States. Also I would work more hours as a senior because now I know how expensive college is. I would probably sign up for more scholarships and try to help babysit, clean, or tutor to earn extra cash. Lastly I would sit down and think to myself what am I going to do in college? What is it that I like? I would have a clear vision of what I am going to do in college in order to not waste time or money.

    Read all 37 answers
  3. What's unique about your campus?

    The best thing about Trinity is it's helping characteristics. Professors here don't want to see you fail but encourage you to exit the class with the knowledge needed for the next one. The professors teach you life skills that prepares you for your career. I oper door policy is a personal favorite. No appointments are required here so feel free to just drop by.

    Read all 8 answers
  4. What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?

    The education and academics.

    Read all 8 answers
  5. Describe your favorite campus traditions.

    Trinty is well known for it's literal values and it's all girl interior morals and values.

    Read all 6 answers
  6. What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?

    I wish I would have known that this school doesnt have very much loan options.

    Read all 6 answers
  7. What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?

    The worst thing about my school is the graduation rate. It is very low. I beleive if Trinity gets its graduation rate up more people will want to attend.

    Read all 6 answers
  8. What kind of person should not attend this school?

    The only person that I can think of that shouldn't attend Trinity College would be a person who doesn't want to learn and become successful and who wouldn't want that?

    Read all 6 answers
  9. Describe the students at your school.

    My classmates are very friendly, and determined to be successful.

    Read all 5 answers
  10. What kind of person should attend this school?

    People who want to meet people of different cultures in the classrooms and out. Who would like to have one one one help from teachers the care and the know your names. It is just the right enrivorment.

    Read all 5 answers
  11. Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!

    Trinity was a religious school. You had a large church right on the property. In times of stress, times when you were seeking peace and quiet, you had something on your mind, or, you just wanted to meditate you could escape into that church. Trinity had a beautiful campus and an air of quaintness about it. That was not a bad thing. I see that it has big plans for the future. I can only wish them luck in their endeavors. They were wonderful for me and sought to help, nurture, students. I believe that they are still that way.

    Read all 3 answers
  12. What's the most frustrating thing about your school?

    The most fustrating thing about Trinity Washington University is that they only provide a limited number of scholarship oppurinities. When your're a freshmen you are considered for certain scholarships based on academic achivememt or community work (Girl Scouts). Once you've completed your freshmen year it is hard to find more aid because it is beging given to incoming freshmen. Along with the FAFSA and the renewable scholarships you automatically get for the new year it seems like there is no more financial aid assisstance. My institiution of higher education is great, but I wish for more scholarships.

    Read all 3 answers
  13. Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.

    Small classes nice people.

    Read all 2 answers

Student Body







Total Undergrad Enrollment


Total Grad Students









Student Organizations







On-Campus Housing


of students living on campus

Student Diversity

% American Indian/Alaskan Native
% Asian/Pacific Islander
% Black or African-American
% Hispanic/Latino
% White or Caucasian


All students must apply yearly for financial aid. This process starts with the FAFSA. Though financial aid deadlines vary by school, it is a good idea to apply as soon as possible. For the upcoming school year, you can apply as early as October 1 for the FAFSA. Additional school aid will be dependent on the FAFSA results.

99% of students attending Trinity Washington University receive some sort of financial aid. 81% were awarded federal grants.74%received federal loans. Many students do also need to apply for additional private student loans.

Cost Out of State


Tuition and fees(Out of state)


Books and Supplies


Room and Board


Total On Campus

Actual Cost By Income Level(W/Financial Aid)

Family Income
$0 - $30K
$30 - $48K
$48 - $75K
$75 - $110K
$110K & UP

We use student reviews and the most current publicly available data on our school pages. As such, we don't typically remove or edit college information. Sources for school statistics and data include the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics and the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System. Portions of college data include copyrighted material, which is reproduced on this website by permission of Wintergreen Orchard House, a division of Carnegie Communications. © 2009-2016 by Wintergreen Orchard House. All rights reserved.


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