Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus? Why?


The campus is very spread out. Sometimes it takes 15-20 minutes to walk from one class to the next and at certain times its impossible to get on the bus because its completely full.


The fact that the professors turn the subjects I like into a lving hell.


The workload is a lot, especially come midterm/finals time, when it just seems to be never ending and a lot of the time the professors seem to think the only class that is important to you is that single one. when it [the schoolwork] rained, it poured.


There is a lot of work to do in all classes, which means a lot of stress.


The complaint I hear the most is the lack of relevant teaching in the classroom to what is actually on the test. Many people come out of a test and say "Well I wish he had taught that during class" or something of that nature. I think an easy remedy to this problem is student and faculty engagement in class. Granted are classes are larger than other campuses classes, if the faculty was more engaged in class it would make a difference - the few classes where faculty is already engaged attest to that fact that is helps!


The absense of females. Because it makes it difficult to get one. Look of TBS on urban dictionary. Tech Bitch Syndrome. The girls here think they are way hotter than they are because they have no competition.


The worst thing about my school are the actual classes because they're very difficult and I feel like most of the teachers don't really care about whether or not you pass or fail so long as they get their money for research (they teach on the side).